A Pre-disposition Towards Enterprise Strategy Disclosures
You can specialize in a geographic area. A convenience store will specialize in a single neighborhood. A manufacturer can specialize in satisfying the demand for its product worldwide. But in every case, you must specialize and be clear about your area of specialization.
Focus and concentration on your greatest opportunities and areas of highest profit potential have always been the keys to financial success in business.
A typical strategic plan starts with a lengthy description of current industry conditions and the competitive situation. Next is a discussion of how to increase market share, capture new segments, or cut costs, followed by an outline of numerous goals and initiatives. A full budget is almost invariably attached, as are lavish graphs and a surfeit of spreadsheets. The process usually culminates in the preparation of a large document culled from a mishmash of data provided by people from various parts of the organization who often have conflicting agendas and poor communication.
Strategy is about asking the right questions. In Freedman and Tregoe’s first phase, you have to first know which questions to ask, and then go and find the data that will help you answer the questions. There is more data available than ever before. The trick today is to know what data to use and what to ignore.
Invest In People
Key insights into business opportunities arise from business insights into how the trend will change value to customers and impact the company’s business model. By looking across time — from the value a market delivers today to the value it might deliver tomorrow — managers can actively shape their future and lay claim to a new opportunity.
Your culture is a valuable resource. Learning to work with your culture can make the development of differentiated capabilities much easier. In a relatively coherent company, when strategy and execution are closely aligned, the culture provides the support that individuals within the enterprise need to find their own personal connection with the overall strategy. It helps break down the barriers that separate strategy from execution, such as the boundaries between functions.
For a strategy to have any bite, it must chart a direction based on a diagnosis of the situation. Absent a diagnosis, one cannot judge one’s own choice of an overall guiding policy, much less someone else’s choice. A strategy must also translate the overall directive into coordinated action focused on key points of leverage in the situation.
Strategy involves focus and, therefore, choice. And choice means setting aside some goals in favor of others. When this hard work is not done, weak amorphous strategy is the result.
Intimate Knowledge Of Customers
A balanced instinct counteracts the sterile, uniform structure of the rational approach. Instinct, intuition and emotion are resources that can be used to bring flair and insight, leading to the best decisions. It is also worth considering that unique human instinct provides a valuable commodity in business: scarcity. And scarcity often determines value.
Visions must be achievable and leaders must be capable of ensuring that they are achieved. An organisation that has an unrealistic view of its strengths and its market may find itself in trouble. Furthermore, it is not simply the vision that matters, but how that vision is developed and whether it is kept grounded in reality. Scenario planners can help an organisation keep in touch with reality both internally and with the external competitive environment.
Treating strategy like a problem in deduction assumes that anything worth knowing is already known—that only computation is required. Like computation, deduction applies a fixed set of logical rules to a fixed set of known facts. If everything worth knowing is already known, the problem of action reduces to crank winding.
If you know where you are going you have more chance of getting there. If you don't have a business strategy you are not clear on where your business is going and it is unlikely you will move your business to where you want it to be. Having a strategy in place increases your chance of getting there.
Key Players In Setting Strategy
In a business, the functional and operating strategies feed into the business strategy. These two frameworks are responsible for effectively and efficiently delivering on the organisation’s objectives as outlined in the corporate, competitive, and business strategies.
When you're putting together a business strategy, you might find yourself needing the services of a consultant at certain points during the life of your business. Many owners and managers are suspicious of consultants; they distrust freelance experts who charge big hourly rates but make little long-term commitment. Sometimes, they resent any outsider criticizing their companies—no matter how much they know, intellectually, that they need help. However, one crucial trait of great leaders is that they know when to ask for help.
Never let up. Your strategy may be well on its way and then could be derailed because you are not paying close attention. Are people achieving their strategic goals? Are the strategic projects accomplished in a timely manner, and are they yielding the expected results?
Establishing systems that routinely provide accurate, reliable information is essential. Organisations need to exploit all knowledge, from information held on computers to the expertise and experience of their employees, to ensure that durable, effective decisions are made.
Business Model Innovation
Cost leadership aims to increase market share by focusing on producing at low cost. Focus looks to dominate a small market segment by exclusively focusing on serving that segment (you can always add new segments later). Finally, differentiation aims to grow market share by concentrating my making your product or service different and unique.
We often treat strategy and execution as being separable disciplines, each with its own distinct and constant character. But different strategic environments require different approaches to strategy and execution. A nascent technology business might require an adaptive approach and a stable commodity business might require a classical, planning-based approach.
With an ad hoc strategic approach, leaders can tailor their process to each decision by adjusting the length of deliberations, the involved parties, and other factors. The main risk is that the firm may not learn over time how to get better at making strategic decisions. The top leader of an ad hoc firm might also use the process flexibility to exclude stakeholders who disagree with the leader’s position.
When implementing strategy, the entire company must be working together seamlessly. Everybody must believe in the strategy and know what it means for their work and activities. All the goals and processes of the different parts of the company must be aligned. This is the principle of concerted action.
Find The Important Details And Focus On Them
A word that can mean anything has lost its bite. To give content to a concept one has to draw lines, marking off what it denotes and what it does not. To begin the journey toward clarity, it is helpful to recognize that the words “strategy” and “strategic” are often sloppily used to mark decisions made by the highest-level officials.
There are many 'plans' that seek to help manage a business. The business plan, the marketing plan, the strategic plan, the project management plan, etc. Integrated Strategy Model (ISM) combines those 'plans' into one comprehensible, integrated, 1-page model. It focuses on inter-relationships between the different parts of the model - particularly how one part of a plan affects the others
Beware of small-business leaders who boast that they have no competitors. You can’t sell and market against other players unless you fully understand what they’re selling, how they’re delivering it, and who they’re selling it to.
In business, a strategy is the long-range sketch of the desired image, direction and destination of the organisation. It is a scheme of corporate intent and action, which is carefully planned and flexibly designed with the purpose of achieving effectiveness, perceiving and utilising opportunities and meeting challenges and threats.
Reshape Your Value Proposition
When a company’s value curve is shown to deliver high levels across all factors, the question is, Does the company’s market share and profitability reflect these investments? If not, the strategy signals that the company may be oversupplying its customers, offering too much of those elements that add incremental value to buyers.
To understand the appeal of a hybrid strategy, realize that a mid-priced product that distinguishes itself in some way can be more appealing to customers than a cheap generic product. This can be a high-risk strategy because you must invest in both reducing costs (through automation, etc.) and also invest in differentiating your product.
All analysis starts with the consideration of what may happen, including unwelcome events. I would not care to fly in an aircraft designed by people who focused only on an image of a flying airplane and never considered modes of failure. Nevertheless, the doctrine that one can impose one’s visions and desires on the world by the force of thought alone retains a powerful appeal to many people. Its acceptance displaces critical thinking and good strategy.
A price-skimming strategy involves charging high prices for a product, particularly during the introductory phase. A small company will use a price-skimming strategy to quickly recover its production and advertising costs. However, there must be something special about the product for consumers to pay the exorbitant price. An example would be the introduction of a new technology.
The Old And New Rules Of Competitive Advantage
Relying on what has worked in the past is no guarantee of success in the future. It is therefore important for an organisation to develop an innovative and creative culture that will help it adapt successfully to change.
Understanding what is taking place within the external environment is important to preparing a strategy that will ensure long-term profit and growth. Understanding changes that are taking place in your industry, or with your market place is important. Because if you don’t adapt you die. Even successful businesses need to realize that what made them successful today is not what will make them successful tomorrow.
Value creation for each stakeholder group needs to be balanced by what the business will gain in return—the value it will extract from the relationship. Determine what you are seeking from each stakeholder group, both financially and operationally (in terms of loyalty, referrals, prioritization, etc.).
Bad strategy is not the same thing as no strategy or strategy that fails rather than succeeds. Rather, it is an identifiable way of thinking and writing about strategy that has, unfortunately, been gaining ground.
Be Different From Your Competitors
Managing costs carefully moves you to a new level of financial discipline, redirecting your resources from the projects that distract you to the core capabilities that drive your profits. It brings new life to financial practices (for example, to your annual budgets). When times are good, you don’t dilute your investment dollars by making bets on dozens of new projects. Instead, you figure out the areas where you are most likely to succeed, and focus your investments there.
Companies thrive when they operate according to principles their employees can believe in. Your employees will do better if they believe that your company exists to do something more than make you wealthy. They want to know that their efforts will pay off whether you’re around or not.
Without proper controls, financial management and in particular the management of risk remain uncertain, flawed activities. Control is necessary not only to avoid cheating or fraud, but also to test that the best decisions are made and that the most effective tactics are employed.
Untapped value is often hidden in complementary products and services. The key is to define the total solution buyers seek when they choose a product or service. A simple way to do so is to think about what happens before, during, and after your product is used.
Court The Uncommitted
Desperation in a time of crisis triggers a change of attitude. A company could be in the midst of decline, facing imminent failure, or even confronting bankruptcy, and everyone knows it. The only possible responses are fight or flight — either build the capabilities the company will need for the long term while stanching the bleeding in the short run, or look for a niche where the company can defensively survive a while longer.
It’s understandable that businesses get caught in a growth treadmill, even when they are aware of its dangers. The treadmill is a natural response to a major dilemma in business today: the transience of advantage. Even the most formidable position in an industry, buttressed by assets and capital, can be vulnerable to rapid change: commoditization, technological upheaval, shifting capital flows, political and regulatory turmoil, and other facets of a chaotic and unpredictable world.
The basic strategic variables for consideration as you make a plan for the future are products, services, customers, markets, finances, people, technology, and production capability. These are the areas of your business that you may continue as before or change, depending on your strategic goals.
A common mistake in formulating business strategy is to discuss changes in strategy before resolving differences of opinion about the current state of play. Another problem is that executives are often reluctant to accept the need for change; they may have a vested interest in the status quo, or they may feel that time will eventually vindicate their previous choices.

Her yeni durum, yeni bir düşünce sürecini gerektirir.

Δεν μπορώ να ικανοποιήσω τον εαυτό μου απλά διαβάζοντας τα ιστολόγιά σας - πρέπει να βουτήξω βαθιά για να τα ζήσω.

Sinä olet täällä jossain. Se on varmaa.

Ek is jou ewig verskuldig vir die samestelling van hierdie blogpos.

Bedankt voor je openhartige en inspirerende aantekeningen op deze dag.

Dünyamız gereksiz bilgilerle, görüntülerle, gereksiz görüntülerle, seslerle, bu tür şeylerle o kadar dolu ki. Bu bir kakofoni, sanırım son yirmi beş yıldır yaşanan bir çılgınlık gibi. Ve bence bir kişinin bir odada tek başına oturmasına ve bunun için endişelenmemesine yardımcı olabilecek her şey iyidir.

Mahtavaa luettavaa tässä sisällössä.


Mēs vienmēr esam ar jums un gaidām jūsu jaunos un interesantos rakstus.

Dejlig artikel, du gjorde min dag ved at dele en fantastisk artikel. Jeg vil gerne være her igen.

Mukava viesti. Kiitos, että lähetit jotain tällaista.

Mi è piaciuto molto leggere il tuo blog. Ho trovato anche i tuoi post molto interessanti. Infatti dopo averlo letto dovevo andare a mostrarlo al mio amico e anche lui si è divertito!

इस विषय के सौंदर्यशास्त्र को चलने, आराम करने और संचार करने जैसी मानवीय गतिविधियों के बारे में व्यापक विचार में निहित होना चाहिए।

Поднимите руку, если не хотите стареть. Я так и думал - сто процентов. Все хотят жить долго, но никто не хочет стареть.

Gosip adalah seni mengatakan apa-apa dengan cara yang praktis tidak meninggalkan apa pun yang tidak terucapkan.

Je älter ich werde, desto weniger achte ich darauf, was Männer sagen. Ich beobachte nur, was sie tun.

Počeo sam to raditi profesionalno i nemam namjeru stati.

Vous devez lire ce sujet.

Kui vinge postitus, lugesin selle algusest lõpuni läbi.

Kepribadian adalah segalanya dalam tulisan. Milikmu bersinar.

Šie priekšmeti bija lieliski.

Even if I have to stand alone, I will not be afraid to stand alone. I'm going to fight for you. I'm going to fight for what's right. I'm going to fight to hold people accountable.

Fantasties, wat 'n weblog is dit nie! Hierdie blog verskaf waardevolle inligting aan ons, hou so aan.

Ovaj članak daje jasne ideje za nove gledaoce ove teme.

สิ่งหนึ่งที่ดีเกี่ยวกับการแก่ตัวก็คือฉันมีประสบการณ์มากพอที่จะไม่ต้องกลัวบ่อยอีกต่อไป ฉันชอบมัน.

나는 그 범주에 정확히 들어맞는다!


В свои 20 лет я был так несчастен, занимаясь строительством, что хотел что-то, за что платили деньги. Мне нравились машины и вещи, которые стоят денег. Я хотел не размахивать молотком, а зарабатывать деньги... и не заниматься грязными вещами.


Фантастичен блог!

Μια αγαπημένη μου δραστηριότητα τα σαββατοκύριακα με σάπια καιρικά φαινόμενα ήταν να μένω σπίτι δίπλα στη φωτιά με ένα άχρηστο μυθιστόρημα μυστηρίου.

Non c'è decisione più importante nella vita di quella che leggi.

Bu konunun estetiği, yürümek, rahatlamak ve iletişim kurmak gibi insan faaliyetleri hakkında daha geniş bir fikre dayanmalıdır.

Jeg fandt ud af, at jeg kunne sige ting, som jeg ikke kunne sige på en anden måde – ting, jeg ikke havde ord for.

Opravdu miluji internet. Říká se, že chatovací místnosti jsou přívěsným parkem internetu, ale mně to připadá úžasné.

Voin kuvailla skenaarion, jossa tekisit mitä tahansa saadaksesi tämän tunteen uudelleen.

As a beginner, your information was really helpful for me. You have covered all the points and explained using very simple English. Thanks a lot.

Винаги ще помня да чета тази статия. Вие сте най-добрият изследовател!

Това съдържание е фантастично!


인상적입니다! 게시물에 감사드립니다.

Anda berhasil memberikan begitu banyak energi untuk informasi statis yang saya tidak yakin setelah perjalanan ke tempat Anda yang tidak semuanya dalam sekejap.

Haarav lugedes seda artiklit.


La véritable écriture se caractérise par une envie irrésistible chez l'artiste créateur. Vous avez cette envie.

돌이켜보면 나는 문화적 태도에 빨려들어갔고, 그러지 말았어야 했다.

Nagyon csodálatra méltónak tűnnek számomra azok az emberek, akik nem hajlandók becsületesen megpihenni a babérjaikon.

이 블로그는 자유의 딸입니다.

Fortæl alle om dette indhold.

Tôi chỉ không nghĩ rằng tôi đã chuẩn bị để thừa nhận điều này. Điều đó quá tệ, như nỗi kinh hoàng mà tôi cảm thấy những ngày này, và tôi không thể nghĩ ra từ nào tốt hơn cho nó, là một bổ sung thực sự và đáng chú ý cho toàn bộ trải nghiệm.

Úžasný příspěvek. Děkuji.

Suçlu bir vicdanın itiraf etmesi gerekir. Bu blog yazısı bir itiraftır.

ฉันมีการป้องกันภายในที่มันเหมือนกับว่า ถ้ามันเป็นแค่ตัวฉัน กลัวที่จะสูญเสียคนที่ฉันรัก หรือสิ่งต่างๆ ที่เปรี้ยวหรือเพียงแค่อยู่คนเดียว มีที่มืดในสมองของฉันที่ฉันชอบ มัน อาจเกิดขึ้นได้ และฉันโอเค ฉันพร้อมแล้ว

Din artikelskrivning är så tydlig. Jag gillade det. Du är en fantastisk författare.

Nedavno sam napustio interese koji su mi oduzimali dosta vremena u prošlosti.

Aangrypend om hierdie blog te lees.

Dit bericht is erg nuttig. Bedankt voor deze nuttige informatie.

Blogunuzun yirmi birinci yüzyıl kültürü üzerindeki etkisini abartmak mümkün değil.

Самая лучшая тема!

Kirjutasin, mida soovisin oma praeguse välimuse kohta tunda, ja lootsin, et kunagi saavutan.

Bardzo ceniony za ten temat naprawdę mi pomógł.


Minä vain vihaan sitä. Ja vihaan sitä, että otan tässä blogissa kannan muiden ihmisten hyväksymiseksi.

मुझसे कहा दोस्तों इस लेख को देखने के लिए, यह बहुत प्रेरणादायक था।


Ek was verskriklik skaam toe ek grootgeword het, ek was regtig nie selfversekerd met ander mense nie en ek dink ek was altyd bang om op te word of om nie hierdie baie cool, wonderlike persoon te wees wat ek wou wees nie.

Din sans for humor har vært forfriskende i en tid der smil er desperat nødvendig.

Odličan članak samo tako nastavi i dalje.

Dit is nie in die lewe nie, maar op skrif dat selfvervulling te vinde is. Hierdie blog bevestig dit.

Niets verbaast me meer.

Ne felejtsd el, hogy több millió blogger van, és ki tudja hányan, akik csak olvasnak, és a részvételt minden bizonnyal torzítja a blog relevanciája.

Vær tro mod dig selv, hjælp andre, gør hver dag til dit mesterværk, gør venskab til en fin kunst, drik dybt af gode bøger.

Abia aștept să citesc următorul subiect.

Per tutto quello che fai, per quello che sei, sarò per sempre grato che tu sia nella mia vita.

Grazie per avermi aiutato a capire questo.

Hvis du skriver en roman alene, sidder du og væver en lille fortælling. Og det er OK, men det er uden betydning.

สิ่งที่ทำให้ฉันหงุดหงิดคือวิธีที่คนดูไม่สุภาพในหัวข้อนี้ คุณไม่ทำอย่างนั้น ขอขอบคุณ.

Questo è un blog davvero utile.

Θέλω να το δεις πολύ περισσότερο σαν αυτό. Ευχαριστούμε που μοιραστήκατε τις πληροφορίες σας!

Jangan lupa bahwa ada jutaan blogger plus siapa yang tahu berapa banyak yang hanya membaca, dan partisipasi tentu saja dipengaruhi oleh relevansi blog.

Bu içeriği kazmak.

Страхувам се, че ако гледате нещо достатъчно дълго, то губи целия си смисъл.

Šādam rakstam ir sava loma un funkcija.

मैं आपकी विचारशीलता, दयालुता, कड़ी मेहनत, देखभाल और प्रयास पर प्रकाश डालना चाहता हूं।

Peu importe à quel point les pas d'un autre se sont rapprochés des vôtres, à la fin il y a une danse que vous ferez seul. Excellent article!

엄청난 실수라고 생각합니다.

Amazing content, I'll be telling everyone to have a look.

Skryf bestaan uit beperking. Die mooiste deel van elke artikel is die banieradvertensie.

Não tenho nada a dizer sobre a escrita de outras pessoas.

Helt fantastisk emne.

내가 본 최고의 블로그.

Ao abordar uma tarefa, quase sempre se tem várias opções possíveis, às vezes apenas algumas, e todas elas podem ser práticas e funcionais.

La ricerca della verità è qualcosa che è evidente nel tuo blog. Sei una luce per il mondo.

Kami selalu bersama Anda dan menunggu artikel baru dan menarik Anda.

Parādīju kolēģiem šo priekšmetu, tas mani iedvesmoja.

Nikako ne možete shvatiti sve detalje ovakve teme u jednom članku, ali dobro ste pokušali.

We hebben allemaal honger en dorst naar dit soort informatie. Bedankt.

मेरी मदद करने के लिए समय निकालना आपके लिए बहुत अच्छी बात थी। बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद।

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