A Punctilious Laymans Guide To Enterprise Plan Of Action Communications
The challenge is to successfully identify, out of the haystack of possibilities that exist, commercially compelling opportunities. This challenge is key because managers cannot afford to be riverboat gamblers betting their strategy on intuition or on a random drawing.
Value creation for each stakeholder group needs to be balanced by what the business will gain in return—the value it will extract from the relationship. Determine what you are seeking from each stakeholder group, both financially and operationally (in terms of loyalty, referrals, prioritization, etc.).
Customers can scarcely imagine how to create uncontested market space. Their insight also tends toward the familiar “offer me more for less.” And what customers typically want “more” of are those product and service features that the industry currently offers.
Many people assume that a strategy is a big-picture overall direction, divorced from any specific action. But defining strategy as broad concepts, thereby leaving out action, creates a wide chasm between “strategy” and “implementation.” If you accept this chasm, most strategy work becomes wheel spinning. Indeed, this is the most common complaint about “strategy.”
Avoid Limited Thinking
Every decision should have a minimum set of goals: rules to comply with, a timescale for completion and a method of execution. This helps to ensure focus and smooth implementation. Having a clear specification can prevent changes that would undermine the decision, and it can help when the original decision needs to be adapted because of changing circumstances.
All marketing is differentiation. All selling is differentiation. All business requires that you differentiate your product or service so that it appears superior to that of your competitors and is viewed as a better choice.
A business strategy helps underpin an organisation’s other important strategies – for example, functional operational strategies – and helps staff, customers, investors, and other stakeholders better understand how it plans to achieve its goals.
All business is risky and no business plan can truly determine exactly what will happen in the future. Your market may seem safe now, but what about in five years? How will your business cope if competitors dramatically lower their prices? Or valuable employees lose morale therefore lower performance?
Transcending Functional Boundaries
It used to be that the strategy for growing operations went in only one direction: scaling up. Scaling up was the best way to get the most productivity and to reduce unit costs. Bigger was better. Ten 100-ton dump trucks using ten drivers carry the same amount of load as 100 ten-ton dump trucks requiring 100 drivers! So scale up to those 100-ton dump trucks as soon as you can.
Where is your locus of attention — on capturing a greater share of existing customers, or on converting noncustomers of the industry into new demand? Do you seek out key commonalities in what buyers value, or do you strive to embrace customer differences through finer customization and segmentation? To reach beyond existing demand, think noncustomers before customers; commonalities before differences; and desegmentation before pursuing finer segmentation.
Bad strategy is not simply the absence of good strategy. It grows out of specific misconceptions and leadership dysfunctions. Once you develop the ability to detect bad strategy, you will dramatically improve your effectiveness at judging, influencing, and creating strategy.
Without a clear understanding of the approval process and structure by which things get done, organizations will inefficiently spin their wheels, duplicate efforts, and create ineffective lines of communication. This is particularly painful to watch in a small organization, where communication should be smoother and the safeguarding of resources is of the essence.
Reconstruct Market Boundaries
The basic strategic variables for consideration as you make a plan for the future are products, services, customers, markets, finances, people, technology, and production capability. These are the areas of your business that you may continue as before or change, depending on your strategic goals.
Businesses need to focus on internal processes to deliver on their current value propositions — but the pressure to focus internally can get in the way of learning from the different contexts in which other players operate.
Companies that bridge the strategy-to-execution gap spend more than their competitors do on what matters most to them and as little as possible on everything else. Rather than managing to a preconceived bottom line, they treat every cost as an investment. They know that the same sum of cash could either be used to fund either amazingly powerful distinctive capabilities or incoherent activities that hold a company back.
When companies locate R&D functions far from head quarters, they’re acknowledging the importance of jumping into someone else’s context. This is not just a strategy for large companies that move people to Silicon Valley for tech or the Boston area for biotech. Startups, too, should put themselves in the best context for learning and growth.
Managing Slumps
To understand the roots of high performance, the business literature typically uses the company as the basic unit of analysis. People have marveled at how companies attain strong, profitable growth with a distinguished set of strategic, operational, and organizational characteristics.
Much of the task of scaling up capabilities depends on transcending the limits of functions. For distinctive capabilities are inherently cross-functional. The most important capabilities systems do not fall neatly into groupings designed many decades ago. Indeed, much of the distinction in a powerful capabilities system stems from the sparks created when people with different backgrounds, skills, technologies, and perspectives build practices and processes together.
Knowledge and information have to be collected, protected and effectively and intelligently managed if they are to be valuable resources that guide and inform every stage of decision-making. There is increasing recognition of the benefits of using not just some but all employees’ knowledge, by developing simple and robust systems that allow information and expertise to flow to key points in the organisation. When information is withheld or poorly managed, it often causes suspicion, frustration or resentment. However, introducing systems to control and direct information can be disruptive, causing additional work and pressure.
Continuous improvement through a commitment to learning, development and investment will often help to keep operational decisions incisive and relevant. Past performance and areas of weakness must be regularly assessed. A commitment to developing individuals, training people and spreading best-practice techniques is also necessary. An organisation must be prepared to challenge established systems and processes, and to set new targets in its pursuit of improved performance.
Find The Important Details And Focus On Them
Highly coherent companies are particular about their capabilities. They don’t aim for functional excellence or external benchmarks. They make their processes and practices their own. They know that if every company is capable in the same way, they’ll all end up in the same place—fighting for an ever-smaller share of the same market. This awareness typically extends throughout the company. Employees are keenly aware of why the capability matters and how their contribution adds value.
Growth through capability development is an evolutionary extension of your capabilities system, building one capability from another. This is sometimes known as “capabilities chaining,” because each new form of proficiency, while fitting into your capabilities system, enables you to establish a chain of new businesses that in turn spur the development of other capabilities.
A valuable approach when entering new markets is to challenge existing practices, so as to provide a better service and serve customers in a way that delivers (and ideally exceeds) their expectations. This requires skills of creativity and innovation, a talent for spotting opportunities and the ability to re-evaluate the way the business operates.
Some industries are facing disruption now as digital technologies cross a threshold of integration. Cloud computing, electronic commerce, mobile payments, three-dimensional printing and other forms of digital fabrication, the internet of things, data analytics, broad-based activity monitoring, social media, and other digital innovations are indeed transforming business models and challenging old ways of working.
Look Across Complementary Product And Service Offerings
A good strategy does more than urge us forward toward a goal or vision. A good strategy honestly acknowledges the challenges being faced and provides an approach to overcoming them. And the greater the challenge, the more a good strategy focuses and coordinates efforts to achieve a powerful competitive punch or problem-solving effect.
All organisations and their staff need to understand their purpose, their destination and the course they’re taking to get there. A company without a strategy is akin to sending your staff into the desert and leaving them to follow mirages in search of water.
It is often said that a strategy is a choice or a decision. The words “choice” and “decision” evoke an image of someone considering a list of alternatives and then selecting one of them. There is, in fact, a formal theory of decisions that specifies exactly how to make a choice by identifying alternative actions, valuing outcomes, and appraising probabilities of events. The problem with this view, and the reason it barely lightens a leader’s burden, is that you are rarely handed a clear set of alternatives.
A company moving into a different stage of its life cycle may well require a shift in strategic style. Environments for startups tend to be malleable, calling for visionary or shaping strategies. In a company’s growth and maturity phases, when the environment is less malleable, adaptive or classical styles are often best. For companies in a declining phase, the environment becomes more malleable again, generating opportunities for disruption and rejuvenation through either a shaping or a visionary strategy.
Get The Strategic Sequence Right
Most companies adapt incrementally and somewhat passively as events unfold. Whether it’s the emergence of new technologies or major regulatory changes, managers tend to focus on projecting the trend itself. That is, they ask in which direction a technology will evolve, how it will be adopted, whether it will become scalable. They pace their own actions to keep up with the development of the trends they’re tracking.
A lack of information or analysis, or being overwhelmed by a difficult, sensitive, important or highly complex situation, means that people may waste time on smaller issues, rather than solve the bigger problem.
Managing costs carefully moves you to a new level of financial discipline, redirecting your resources from the projects that distract you to the core capabilities that drive your profits. It brings new life to financial practices (for example, to your annual budgets). When times are good, you don’t dilute your investment dollars by making bets on dozens of new projects. Instead, you figure out the areas where you are most likely to succeed, and focus your investments there.
Experience shows that risk must be actively managed and accorded a high priority, not only within the decision-making process but permanently and throughout the organisation. This might mean that risk-management procedures and techniques are well documented, clearly communicated and regularly reviewed and monitored. In order to manage risks, you have to know what they are, what factors affect them and what their potential impact is.
Invest In People
Most business leaders recognize the power of a strong identity. They understand how alignment between strategy and execution enables a company to win, and they recognize the role of distinctive capabilities in creating that alignment. They also see the level of focus this requires. Why then do they let their companies get distracted?
In the last decade, there has been a fundamental shift in the cost and ease of becoming a global player from virtually any corner of the globe. This is a trend no organization can afford to downplay. With the ease and low cost of setting up a website, any business can have a global storefront.
Bad strategy is long on goals and short on policy or action. It assumes that goals are all you need. It puts forward strategic objectives that are incoherent and, sometimes, totally impracticable. It uses high-sounding words and phrases to hide these failings.
Quality and reliability must be defined in terms of the customer (externally) and projected back (internally) to determine their impact on product development and operations. Internal quality benchmarks, as useful as they can be in monitoring operations, don’t play as vital a role in developing a mission statement as do customer needs and wants. You have to consider the level and meaning of quality and reliability appropriate to the desired competitive position in the marketplace.
Have A Divestment Strategy
Strategic goals and direction aren’t always easy to communicate, and as the strategy gets passed from one person to another, it is likely to become more confused and garbled. Remember: Clarity is essential. Don’t muddle the message by having it go through a string of managers.
The most important success factor in creating new markets is to ask your customers. The goal is not to ask them about products but about problems. If you ask about products, they’ll frame the problem in the context of those products. Your goal, however, is find ideas for new products. Let customers describe what they think would be the best solution to their problems; those solutions will point to new products or services.
Ad hoc firms are low process and high input. These firms do not have a codified, recurring process that they follow every time they make a strategic change. But when a change needs to be made, the leader pulls their team together to take action. The exact steps the firm follows and the exact people in the room change from one decision to the next. The benefit of an ad hoc system is that rigid rules don’t constrain the firm.
Before considering decisions that can build and strengthen brands, it is helpful to understand what advantages they offer. The value of a brand lies in the understanding or trust of customers. This leads to the first advantage: pricing. A successful and established brand can command a price premium that exceeds any extra cost in terms of production and marketing, derived from the element of trust that a brand provides.

Bu fikirlerin hiçbirinde yanlış bir şey yok, ancak küçümseme ve kınama tonu, yukarıda alıntılanan amaç için uygun değil.

Megdöbbentőek voltak ezek a blogbejegyzések.

Tvůj blog se mi moc líbí. Banner je skvěle udělaný a obsahově zajímavý. Všechno nejlepší.

Jums ir jāizlasa šis emuārs.

Täiesti hämmastav artikkel.

Una forma de hacerlo es mirar la vida directamente a los ojos, en su realidad sin adornos.

Artikel itu menyentuh hati saya.

Πρέπει να σταματήσετε αυτό που κάνετε και να διαβάσετε αυτό το περιεχόμενο.

This blog is fantastic!


Merci de partager vos connaissances.

Uten dere, som har mye mer tid enn meg til å lese, ville jeg ligget håpløst bak kurven.

Bedankt voor het schrijven van dit geweldige artikel. Ik heb een aantal van deze technieken op per blog gebruikt.

Този блог потреса!

Nhiều nghĩa vụ. Bài viết tuyệt vời.

좋은 포스트. 공유해 주셔서 감사합니다.


Tujuan tulisan Anda bukan untuk merepresentasikan penampilan luar dari sesuatu, tetapi makna batiniahnya.

Jeg har bokmerket bloggen din fordi jeg fant veldig god informasjon på bloggen din.

La tua scrittura è un dono.

Jedan od glavnih razloga zašto me toliko privlači vaš blog je taj što tako dobro planirate svoje postove.

Baie dankie vir jou ondersteuning.

Dette er absolutt verdt å lese sammen med alle kommentarene under den originale historien.

Никога не съм се чувствал по-ангажиран с живота.

Grazie per aver condiviso la tua visione.

Αυτή η ανάρτηση ιστολογίου είναι η μεγαλύτερη μορφή τέχνης του 20ου αιώνα.

Palavras não podem descrever o quão grato eu sou por este artigo. Tem esclarecido muito para mim.

Jsme brzděni předpisy, omezeným výběrem a hrozbou soudních sporů.

Das Schrecklichste, woran ich denken kann, ist, nachts allein zu sein – und ich meine absolut allein, wie niemand sonst auf der Welt allein.

Voi spune tuturor despre acest subiect.

Nah, Good Job Saya menemukan artikel ini. Sangat menarik. Terima kasih telah berbagi.

Les règles de navigation n'ont jamais navigué sur un navire. Les règles de l'écriture n'ont jamais construit un blog comme celui-ci.

Hyvä artikkeli, jatka samaan malliin jatkossakin.

Ben yetişkin bir kadınım ve bazen biraz şişman olabilirim. Orada yalnız mıyım? Tam olarak değil.

Όλα όσα μου συνέβησαν ήταν εκπληκτικά και εκπληκτικά.

좋은 정보입니다. 블로그의 나머지 부분을 확인하겠습니다.

Quiero blogs que me hagan pensar. Para hacer eso, puede molestarme o hacerme sentir incómodo. Eso promueve la conciencia y el cambio, o al menos alguna discusión.

Tämä blogi on hyvä lähtökohta lukea lisää viimeisimmistä kuumista aiheista.

Sjajno čitanje ovog sadržaja.

Wat mense bowenal wil hê, is orde.



Ce blog a le pouvoir de transformer, d'éclairer, d'éduquer, d'inspirer et de motiver.

Ogledalo i ja smo se s vremenom dogovorili. Pogledat ću svoje lice samo u segmentima očiju, čela, obraza, brade, usta (dok perem ili nanosim razne ženske emolijense i raspoređujem kosu) i neće me šokirati.

Olet pohjimmiltaan digitaalinen vipu - yksi mahtavimmista. Webin eri kulmien pitäminen yhdessä paikassa niin vähän, mikä on kannattavaa, erityisesti poliittista, jää huomiotta.

Il tuo blog offre alle persone un modo per sognare la propria via d'uscita dalla loro lotta.

J'aime vraiment ce poste.

Denne artikel er hot!

ไม่มีใครได้มาจากการมีพรสวรรค์เพียงอย่างเดียว งานเปลี่ยนพรสวรรค์ให้เป็นอัจฉริยะ

Het leven is kort, je blogpost is lang. Ik kon niet alles lezen.

Untungnya, kebenaran lebih mudah dihilangkan daripada diterapkan.

Tengo muchos problemas, pero se me da muy bien intuir lo que tengo que hacer para ser feliz con lo que creo. Sé cuándo detenerme, sé cuándo empezar, sé cuándo dejar algo en paz. Supongo que simplemente me complazco en eso por completo, así que me tomo mi tiempo.

Asiat ovat todella kauniita, jos niitä rakastaa.

Sự thật giải phóng bạn. Đó là một điều rất tự do, khi bạn nói đây là con người tôi là mụn cóc và tất cả và sau đó bạn có thể tiếp tục cuộc sống. Ngạc nhiên.

เอาล่ะฉันจะพูดอะไรได้ มันเป็นความอัปยศที่คุณรู้สึกแบบที่คุณทำ เป็นสิทธิ์ของคุณที่จะทำเช่นนั้น

Χωρίς εσάς, που έχετε πολύ περισσότερο χρόνο στα χέρια σας από μένα για να διαβάσετε, θα ήμουν απελπιστικά πίσω από την καμπύλη.

Geweldige informatie. Ik ga de rest van je blog eens bekijken.

Am citit un articol despre asta acum câțiva ani. M-am gândit că s-ar putea să fie distractiv, deoarece am fost întotdeauna cel de-a dreptul din familia mea.

Jeg har en frakoblet liste over flere eldre bloggersider, men av en eller annen grunn er de ikke fancy nok til å bli inkludert.

Tidak banyak penulis yang memiliki kemewahan untuk menolak hal-hal penting.

Cilvēki var rakstīt jebko. Un viņi var būt labi jebkurā un sajūsmā par visu.

Alla de som ger en åsikt om någon tveksam punkt bör först rensa sina sinnen från varje känsla av motvilja, vänskap, ilska eller medlidande.


Vaše pozornost věnovaná detailům vás staví na vrchol.

Vær tro mod dig selv, hjælp andre, gør hver dag til dit mesterværk, gør venskab til en fin kunst, drik dybt af gode bøger.

Artikkel puudutas mu südant.



Подозирам, че и вие, подобно на мен, не сте много добри в това да си затваряте устата на партита по тези теми и със сигурност не сте срамежливи онлайн.

Beyond the word “thanks,” I hope you’ll feel my gratitude and appreciation for a very long time.

Jeg elsker det gamle ordsprog....Når eleven er klar, dukker læreren op. Tak skal du have.

이 콘텐츠에 대해 모두에게 알리십시오.


이 내용은 의외였습니다.

Αυτές οι αναρτήσεις στο blog ήταν καταπληκτικές.

La tua scrittura mira all'Eternità. Lo adoro.

Ces articles de blog étaient époustouflants.

Bu yazıda gerçekliği gerçekten şaşırtıyorsunuz. Aferin.

Tek başına yürüyemezsin. Birçoğu illüzyon verdi, ancak hiçbiri gerçekten yalnız yürümedi. İnsan öyle yaratılmaz. Her insan kendi halkına, tarihine, kültürüne ve değerlerine bağlıdır.

Vă mulțumim pentru aceste informații utile.

See on kahtlemata tõsi, et üldiselt tunnevad inimesed seda teemat kõige paremini teiste oma vanuserühma kuuluvate inimestega.

Jednostavnost i mir su kvalitete koje mjere pravu vrijednost vašeg pisanja.

Je fascinující prozkoumat, co si ostatní jednotlivci mysleli a jak se to s nimi nebo jejich zákazníky ztotožňuje, protože jejich pohled vám může později pomoci.

Αυτά τα θέματα ήταν αξιοσημείωτα.

Ως αρχάριος, οι πληροφορίες σας ήταν πραγματικά χρήσιμες για μένα. Έχετε καλύψει όλα τα σημεία και έχετε εξηγήσει χρησιμοποιώντας πολύ απλά αγγλικά. Ευχαριστώ πολύ.

Saya sangat menikmati membaca subjek ini.

Σας ευχαριστώ που κάνατε τον κόπο να με ενημερώσετε τόσο διεξοδικά και τόσο καλά.

Yazı kalbime dokundu.

Điều này hoàn toàn đáng để đọc cùng với tất cả các bình luận bên dưới câu chuyện gốc.

Wow dieser Blog ist genial. Ich möchte das viel öfter so sehen. Vielen Dank für das Teilen Ihrer Informationen!

Jeg formoder, at du, ligesom jeg, ikke er særlig god til at holde din mund til fester om de emner, og du er bestemt ikke genert på nettet.

I have this theory that, depending on your attitude, your life doesn't have to become this ridiculous charade that it seems so many people end up living.

Velmi pěkný článek, velmi mi pomohl.

Doživljavanje tuge i ljutnje može učiniti da se osjećate kreativnije, a ako budete kreativni, možete prevazići svoj bol ili negativnost. Pokušajte se naljutiti prije nego što napišete svoj sljedeći članak.

Συναρπάζω διαβάζοντας αυτό το περιεχόμενο.

Blogunuzun sunduğu şey boşluktur - ruh için belirli bir nefes alma odası.

Pokušavao sam naučiti kako da ne budem toliko konfliktan oko stvari poput ove teme. Trudila sam se da budem vjernija sebi, i to mi pomaže da se malo opustim.

감사할 자격이 있는 사람이 있다면 바로 당신입니다. 도움을 주셔서 감사합니다.

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Tengo una lista fuera de línea de sitios de blogueros antiguos adicionales, pero por una razón u otra, no me atraen lo suficiente como para incluirlos.
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