Business Master Plan Integrations: Confronted With So Many Selections

Disruptive growth is responding to dramatic change with new business models and new capabilities. You must be sure that you have a genuine right to win in this new venture, and that the circumstances warrant the significant investment involved. True disruption — the kind that merits disruptive growth — is rarer than many business people think.
The simple discipline of defining a capability gives you a much clearer view of what you are trying to build, and why it matters. For solution selling, the stated definition was: “To build long-term strategic relationships.” They would communicate directly with the automakers’ technical specialists, instead of just the purchasing staff, and build their own financial models of the products, so they understood the costs and potential revenues, before signing the contract.
Build some tolerance for variance into your numbers. Your budget stops being accurate the moment you finish it, and when variances occur—and they will—make sure the numbers allow opportunity for your managers to act creatively. Although budgets should be designed to create accountability, accountability should be related to the real issues behind the numbers, not the numbers alone.
Managing high growth means you have done many important things well—product development, marketing, and sales—that’s the good news. The bad news is that, at least for the short run, it feels as though the company is running you. Sometimes the best you can do is to enjoy the ride. Understand that it’s probably temporary and leverage the opportunities as best you can.

Operating In Many Modes

First movers can define the product offer, set standards and, most valuably, gain market share and brand awareness. Yet there are significant difficulties and risks in being a first mover. The time and energy building market share may divert attention and resources from other parts of the business. And, because there are no previous entrants from whose experience you can learn, it is easier to make mistakes.
The strategies that relate to a particular business are known as business-level strategies. It is developed by the general managers, who convert mission and vision into concrete strategies. It is like a blueprint of the entire business.
Most widely used planning processes like management by objectives and balanced scorecards overlook the contrast piece of the compare-and-contrast equation. They do a fine job of requiring leaders to spell out what the strategic objectives are, but they rarely require leaders to get clear about what they are not. As a result, most leaders score a C- in strategy comprehension.
Some technological changes are happening so rapidly that most companies have not yet taken advantage of the opportunities they provide. Every company still has a great deal to learn through prototyping and experimentation. But when translating the strategic into the everyday, be careful not to experiment for its own sake. The most successful companies link their technologically driven interventions closely with their strategy.

Pursue Functional Excellence

Good judgment is hard to define and harder still to acquire. Certainly some part of good judgment seems to be innate, connected with having a balanced character and an understanding of other people. Still, I am convinced that judgment can be improved with practice. For that practice to be effective, you should first commit your judgments to writing.
When management teams begin to think about their key stakeholders, they often launch right into what they need to do for customers, for employees, and so on, without thinking first about what they want from them. Why is sorting out the “from” so important? What an organization wants from each group of key stakeholders translates neatly into its objectives.
A price-skimming strategy involves charging high prices for a product, particularly during the introductory phase. A small company will use a price-skimming strategy to quickly recover its production and advertising costs. However, there must be something special about the product for consumers to pay the exorbitant price. An example would be the introduction of a new technology.
Emotional steadiness requires that you be intentional about the way you show up in the workplace. Your role is to be calm, transparent, and steady, all the while painting a vision for the future. Acknowledge your emotions and talk to a peer or your boss if you need to work through them. Play out the worst-case scenario in your mind and then move on to the more likely outcome. Chances are the reality isn’t as bad as what you might conjure up when your emotions are heightened.

The Work Of A Strategist Is Never Done

Even in the face of adversity, it helps to maintain a “can-do” attitude. This is not to say that decisions should be treated lightly, but a positive mental attitude is an important source of strength and advantage. Behaviours to avoid in decision-making include procrastination or panic. Instead, adopting a calm, positive and appropriate approach that displays the right qualities at the right moment (such as urgency, caution, toughness and flexibility) increases the likelihood of success considerably. Always face up to problems. Never ignore them in the hope that they will go away.
Economic profits are the difference between the total revenue and the total opportunity cost of producing the firm’s goods or services. The opportunity cost of using a resource includes both the explicit (or accounting) cost of the resource and the implicit cost of giving up the best alternative use of the resource. The opportunity cost of producing a good or service generally is higher than accounting costs because it includes both the dollar value of costs (explicit, or accounting, costs) and any implicit costs.
The corporate level is the highest and most broad level of the business strategy. It is the business plan which sets the guidelines of what is to be achieved and how the business is expected to achieve it. It sets the mission, vision, and corporate objectives for everyone.
You have the information to put forward some assumptions about what your internal and external environments will look like in the future—and what you need to do to succeed. You’ll be able to identify potential problems on the road, but also potential opportunities.

Control Expenses

In making every purchase decision, buyers implicitly weigh alternatives, often unconsciously. Do you need a self-indulgent two hours? What should you do to achieve it? Do you go to the movies, have a massage, or enjoy reading a favorite book at a local café? The thought process is intuitive for individual consumers and industrial buyers alike.
Revenue forecasts are much more difficult to determine with accuracy than expense budgets. You might be successful forecasting an increase in revenue as 20 percent from the prior year, but you lose the importance of the process. Instead, look at trends in your business and outside your business and take a hard look at what will be different this year.
Because revenue is determined by customer behavior, it’s much harder and messier to predict than costs, which are largely under the company’s control. If you model them the same way, you’ll end up with grossly inaccurate revenue projections.
If units or functions within your company would benefit from operating in a strategic style other than the one best suited to your industry as a whole, it follows that you will very likely need to manage more than one strategic style at a time. The simplest but also the least flexible way to do this is to structure and run functions, regions, or business units that require differing strategic styles separately.

Organizational Structure Makes A Difference

Focused low-cost business strategies are similar to focused differentiation strategies, but their point of differentiation is specifically lower-cost products and services. An integrated low-cost/differentiation strategy is the middle ground between focused differentiation and focused low-cost business strategies. It’s effectively a hybrid model where differentiated products are sold at a lower-than-average price point.
Your business may outperform your projections, or it may fall short. Either way, you need to know. A game plan allows you to monitor performance in detail, so learn how performance varies from the vision of your business plan. There are no shortcuts in preparing the information, in studying it, and in acting on it. You must plan, act, measure, and plan again. Don’t expect to do this quickly. Analyzing the data takes time—at least twice as long as it takes to compile the data, according to one rule of thumb.
True agility doesn’t come from pursuing growth wherever it may be located or somehow spotting trends and getting to those markets first. It comes from pursuing opportunities where your capabilities give you what we call the right to win — the ability to compete more effectively than your competitors could in the arenas where you choose to do business.
Identify your business, your customers, your markets, your competitors, and your financial strengths and weaknesses. An accurate analysis of your current situation is the starting point of all strategy.

Go Lean - Cut Costs To Grow Stronger

A growing number of long-standing innovation groups, for example, bring together disparate functional skills (typically R&D, marketing, customer insights, and IT) to facilitate the launch of new products or services. Some of these teams are relatively informal, whereas others involve major shifts to the organizational structure.
A strategy is solid when all the assumptions you make at the time of its creation have been validated and tested for accuracy, and the decisions you've made can be presented with clear facts and evidence. It is important to ensure that your strategy aligns with your company’s objectives, the type of business that your organization does and is known to do and the environment in which you plan to thrive.
Small businesses need to understand their revenue and profit models so that they’ll know if their model is sustainable or will fizzle out well before it takes off. Similarly, your pricing has to be in line with what the market will bear so that it will provide you with a profit. How well does your model work? Really?
If you are a midlevel manager, your boss sets your goals. Or, if you work in an enlightened company, you and your boss negotiate over your goals. In either setting, it is natural to think of strategies as actions designed to accomplish specific goals. However, taking this way of thinking into a top-level position is a mistake.

Look Across The Chain Of Buyers

To maximize the size of their market, companies need to look to noncustomers. And instead of focusing on customer differences, they need to build on powerful commonalities in what buyers value. That allows companies to reach beyond existing demand to unlock a new mass of customers that did not exist before.
Decisions are guided by our emotions in various ways. Emotions act as filters, prioritising information and provoking a physical response to influences, from laughter to stress. The mind sets the agenda during decision-making through the filter of emotional responses. It is important to know how to manage emotion and instinct effectively, as they provide a clear sense of priority, understanding of intangibles and determination. Although they can be flawed, they can also provide the spark of creativity, the flash of insight and the strength to pursue the best course.
What are the possibilities for your business? What could you do differently, or what new areas could you go into that would change your business? What new products and services could you develop and sell, and in what different ways and places?
Simply being aware that adaptive planning horizons don’t necessarily correlate well with the rhythms of financial markets, for instance, might go a long way toward eliminating ingrained planning habits. Similarly, understanding that the point of shaping and visionary strategies is to change the game rather than to optimize your position in the market may be all that’s needed to avoid starting with the wrong approach.

The Customer Is King

Business decisions that are based on techniques such as price/earnings ratios or growth in profits are inadequate, because it is possible to make decisions which improve these measures in the short-term, such as reducing training or research expenditure, but which reduce the long-term value of the business.
A mission statement is often referred to as your “umbrella statement.” It is the organizing principle under which everything in the company is done. The mission statement tells people what the company does, and also what the company does not do.
Develop a risk profile for your current strategy using the same framework you’re using to assess your new strategic options. If you have assessed the risk of your strategic options in terms of brand risk, operational risk, market risk, and so on, do the same for the current strategy. Focus the team on the incremental risk of the new options and highlight any places where the proposed strategy is actually less risky than the existing one.
A lack of connection between strategy and execution stems in part from the ingrained habit of not taking strategic issues into account when planning new implementations. With such habits in place, it becomes very challenging to build and develop distinctive capabilities. You may have to unlearn the old ways you put capabilities together and learn new ones that are linked closely to your strategy from the very first moment.

Determine Your Purpose

The greatest challenge with global strategy is knowing how much standardization to pursue. Even top global brands still invest in some level of localization and adaptation to local markets — just not so much that it infringes on their scale and efficiency. You should expect to invest in a solid localization process so that your customers can interact with your website, mobile app, packaging, and more in their home language.
An international strategy is often the first strategy companies use when they expand to secondary markets, and that’s because it’s the most accessible of the four. It’s essentially an extension of your domestic strategy, operating with a central or head office in your home market and exporting your products to target markets.
A business strategy is a set of competitive moves and actions that a business uses to attract customers, compete successfully, strengthening performance, and achieve organisational goals. It outlines how business should be carried out to reach the desired ends.
Is it difficult to see any link between revenue predictions and the value proposition? If the link isn’t obvious, then the revenue predictions aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on. Most revenue projections are just extrapolations from past revenue, even though competition is notoriously unstable. Look to the future, not the past. Base your projections on how well the value proposition suits customers where the company has chosen to play.


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