Guidance For Checking Out Enterprise Methodology Associations
The operating knowledge used to run distinctive capabilities in most companies is tacit. In other words, it is held within the minds of people doing the work, is habitually followed, and is passed on through on-the-job training. This tacit knowledge is rarely written down in any systematic way. Because this knowledge is learned on the job, often within a function or business unit, it varies across different parts of the enterprise, often with some parts of the organization being far more capable than others.
There are meaningful distinctions between strategy, implementation, and execution that are helpful to running a company or business in the real world. Ignoring, blurring, or getting them wrong creates sloppy thinking, deciding, and doing at all levels of an organization.
To develop the level of proficiency you need, you’ll have to make meaningful changes to the capabilities you already have. Some of these changes will start at the core of the business. Others may seem to be on the periphery at first, and you’ll need to bring them into the mainstream. Some of these focused interventions will be identified in the blueprint stage; others will become clear later. Ideally, you’ll continue making focused interventions throughout the life of your enterprise.
Despite the roar of voices wanting to equate strategy with ambition, leadership, “vision,” planning, or the economic logic of competition, strategy is none of these. The core of strategy work is always the same: discovering the critical factors in a situation and designing a way of coordinating and focusing actions to deal with those factors.
Flexibility Wins
Understanding what is taking place within the external environment enables us to find opportunities for growth and sustained profitability and it can help us identify and respond to changes that could make us extinct. In the same way that the motor vehicle put many horsewhip makers out of business, it’s important that you understand what can affect you and your business both short term and long term.
The quality of human resource management in your company determines the success or failure of most of the other goals you have set for yourself. If you manage people well in all aspects—hiring, training, coaching, reviewing, compensating, motivating, promoting, and celebrating—the impossible often becomes possible. The single biggest mistake made by CEOs and other managers is spending more time analyzing and acting on the company’s financial particulars than on its people issues.
Where is your locus of attention — on capturing a greater share of existing customers, or on converting noncustomers of the industry into new demand? Do you seek out key commonalities in what buyers value, or do you strive to embrace customer differences through finer customization and segmentation? To reach beyond existing demand, think noncustomers before customers; commonalities before differences; and desegmentation before pursuing finer segmentation.
The most common organizational solution is the cross-functional team: a committee of people drawn from the relevant departments to solve particular problems. Unfortunately, many cross-functional teams fall far short of delivering effective and efficient solutions. They rarely have the time they need to resolve their different ways of thinking. They are also limited by their conflicting functional priorities and sometimes by a lack of clear accountability.
Overcoming The Fear Of Risk
Your goal is to embed the business strategy in the company. This means that most of your employees fully understand, accept, and support the strategy. Some business leaders try to embed the strategy by “cascading” the message about strategy down the organizational chart. CEOs talk directly to their team of top managers, who in turn talk to mid-level managers, who talk to their lower-level direct reports, who talk to supervisors, and on down the line until you get to the frontline employees.
Many attempts at strategy lack a good diagnosis. Hence, it is useful to have mental tools for working backward from a guiding policy to the realm of diagnosis and fact. There is nothing deep about this process other than realizing that it can and should be done.
The job of a CEO is overwhelming—so overwhelming, that many CEOs don’t realize that they’ve lost touch with their families, lost friends, and haven’t done anything but work for years. Don’t try to run a company without support. If your family thinks the business is a bad idea altogether, try to get some counseling and talk it through. It’s perfectly understandable that a spouse might be concerned that a business will cost money initially, be risky, and, more importantly, take you away from the family. This isn’t an insignificant concern. Continually work on compromises.
What are your key weaknesses? There are many parts of your business where you are active, yet you can never become the market leader in those areas. The cost of achieving market dominance is too high and/or your competition is too deeply entrenched with high-quality products and services.
Niche Exploitation
Decisions are guided by our emotions in various ways. Emotions act as filters, prioritising information and provoking a physical response to influences, from laughter to stress. The mind sets the agenda during decision-making through the filter of emotional responses. It is important to know how to manage emotion and instinct effectively, as they provide a clear sense of priority, understanding of intangibles and determination. Although they can be flawed, they can also provide the spark of creativity, the flash of insight and the strength to pursue the best course.
A strategy is a way through a difficulty, an approach to overcoming an obstacle, a response to a challenge. If the challenge is not defined, it is difficult or impossible to assess the quality of the strategy. And if you cannot assess a strategy’s quality, you cannot reject a bad strategy or improve a good one.
Who or what is your competitor for your product or service today? Who are your main competitors? Who are your smaller competitors? What else is your competitor? Since you are asking a potential customer to give you a certain amount of money in order to acquire a certain benefit or advantage, where else can your potential customer spend that same amount of money to get an equal or better advantage or benefit? This is an extremely important question.
When one has an initial insight into what to do about a challenging situation, it never occurs in the form of a full-blown strategy. Rather, the lightning of insight strikes in a number of ways. It may be an insight into action, it may be an insight into a general directive or insight may arrive in the form of a diagnosis.
Clarify Responsibility And Accountability
Market-driven organizations base their strategy on making conscious choices about which markets they will serve and how they will add value. High performance organizations not only participate in the strategy process, they also understand which strategy will propel their organizations forward.
Businesses generally either dwell on their competitors’ activities or ignore them on the grounds that they are unable to exert any direct control. The amount of attention that needs to be paid to competitors varies according to the nature of the industry and market, and usually lies between these two extremes. Decision-makers may be guided by an overall vision and specific objectives, but competitive pressures can also be decisive in determining their decisions.
To set a company on a strong, profitable growth trajectory in the face of strong industry conditions, it won’t work to benchmark competitors and try to outcompete them by offering a little more for a little less. Such a strategy may nudge sales up but will hardly drive a company to open up uncontested market space.
One of a leader’s most powerful tools is the creation of a good proximate objective — one that is close enough at hand to be feasible. A proximate objective names a target that the organization can reasonably be expected to hit, even overwhelm.
Reducing Business Risks
Dissect your past strategies. Which strategies have worked and which haven’t? Which strategies were supported by your employees and other stakeholders, and which weren’t? How well did you implement previous strategies?
People are invariably the decisive factor in achieving success: an organisation can only be as good as the people who work for it. If there is typically a high staff turnover in the industry, the business should be geared to recruiting the best employees. If flexibility and speed of response are valuable (and they usually are), the organisation should be able to anticipate major decisions, making the right choices and implementing them. Effective leadership is essential; its absence is a source of competitive disadvantage.
Controlling costs is one way of boosting profits or reducing losses. During times of financial difficulty, everyone in an organisation should understand the need to save money, making cost-cutting a more achievable goal. During prosperous times cost control may seem less important, but the free-spending days of the dotcom boom made one thing clear: costs matter.
Because revenue is determined by customer behavior, it’s much harder and messier to predict than costs, which are largely under the company’s control. If you model them the same way, you’ll end up with grossly inaccurate revenue projections.
Think In The Long Term
The word “strategy” comes to us from military affairs. Unfortunately, humans have put more effort, over more time, into thinking about war than any other subject. Much of this knowledge has very little to tell us about strategy in nonmilitary situations. In particular, the primary way business firms compete is by placing their offers in front of buyers, each trying to offer a more attractive deal. This is a process more like a dance contest than a military battle.
The capabilities system in any large, coherent enterprise involves hundreds or thousands of people as well as embedded investments in technology and specialized skills. These capabilities have been built up slowly, decision by decision, and thus they are sticky: they take time to update and replace. If the capabilities system could be changed easily, it wouldn’t be worth very much, because anyone could build something similar. It is impossible to shift identity and build new distinctive capabilities on a dime.
To sustain value innovation, people working for and with the company need to support it. For value innovation to be a sustainable strategy, then, the alignment of the company’s utility, price, cost, and people is needed. It is this whole-system approach that makes value innovation strategic rather than operational or functional.
Your portfolio of products and services, if you’re a large global enterprise, may have evolved in ad hoc fashion over the years. Their diversity may have provided a hedge against disruption in the past, but now it creates tremendous pressure on your functions—and, frankly, on your bottom line.
Competition For Dependence
Because knowledge is often an important source of competitive advantage, it is essential to protect it. Knowledge falls into two categories: explicit knowledge, such as copyright or information codified in handbooks, systems or procedures; and tacit knowledge that is retained by individuals, including learning, experience, observation, deduction and informally acquired knowledge.
The term driving force comes courtesy of business consultants John Zimmerman and Benjamin Tregoe and is a major concept in strategy. Once adopted, the driving force becomes the quantitative principle around which all planning is done. There are several driving forces that you can choose from. But there is always one that becomes the most important organizing principle of your business.
If we are adventurous yet disciplined, the result may be extraordinary and possibly unique in creating value and competitive advantage. People and organisations now recognise that paradoxes can be reconciled, and they are more enabled to reconcile them than ever before,partly because of technological progress.
Your reputation is determined by what customers, competitors, suppliers, outside vendors, and the general public say about you when they discuss your company, your products, and your services among themselves.
Create A Team Governance Plan
The main focus of a business strategy is to fulfil the business objective. It gives the vision and direction to the business with clear instructions of what needs to be done, how it needs to be done, and who all are responsible for it.
Being a general manager, CEO, president, or other top-level leader means having more power and being less constrained. Effective senior leaders don’t chase arbitrary goals. Rather, they decide which general goals should be pursued. And they design the subgoals that various pieces of the organization work toward.
A business strategy is a set of guiding principles that, when communicated and adopted in the organization, generates a desired pattern of decision making. It is therefore about how people throughout the organization should make decisions and allocate resources in order accomplish key objectives.
Your culture is a valuable resource. Learning to work with your culture can make the development of differentiated capabilities much easier. In a relatively coherent company, when strategy and execution are closely aligned, the culture provides the support that individuals within the enterprise need to find their own personal connection with the overall strategy. It helps break down the barriers that separate strategy from execution, such as the boundaries between functions.
Sales And Profitability
Good strategy requires leaders who are willing and able to say no to a wide variety of actions and interests. Strategy is at least as much about what an organization does not do as it is about what it does.
In the last decade, there has been a fundamental shift in the cost and ease of becoming a global player from virtually any corner of the globe. This is a trend no organization can afford to downplay. With the ease and low cost of setting up a website, any business can have a global storefront.
Many people assume that a strategy is a big-picture overall direction, divorced from any specific action. But defining strategy as broad concepts, thereby leaving out action, creates a wide chasm between “strategy” and “implementation.” If you accept this chasm, most strategy work becomes wheel spinning. Indeed, this is the most common complaint about “strategy.”
You can specialize in a geographic area. A convenience store will specialize in a single neighborhood. A manufacturer can specialize in satisfying the demand for its product worldwide. But in every case, you must specialize and be clear about your area of specialization.

Realmente uno de los lugares más informales de la red. Encontré muchas buenas noticias. Sigue así.

У меня осталось немного тщеславия. Но я знаю, что нельзя тратить время попусту.

รักเว็บไซต์ของคุณ ฉันขอบคุณสำหรับการทำงานที่ดีเช่นนี้ ฉันจะกลับมาอ่านเพิ่มเติมและแจ้งให้เพื่อนร่วมงานทราบเกี่ยวกับไซต์ของคุณ

Essensen av all skriving er å ha glede av å gi glede.

Acabo de leer este artículo y me impactó.

See artikkel on kuum!

यह ब्लॉग रूपांतरित नहीं होता है। यह सिर्फ सादा रूप है। शुक्रिया।

Můj proces učení probíhá pouhým okem – není to vůbec vědecké.

Mais deste conteúdo por favor!

Este contenido fue asombroso.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι καυτό!

Ajan käyttäminen auttaa minua oli erittäin mukava asia. Kiitos paljon.

Просто трябва да имате чувство на уважение към темата, за която пишете, и правите това. Много добре.

Sjoe hierdie onderwerp was ongelooflik.

Nie mogę się z tobą bardziej zgodzić. Myślę, że masz zadatki na najważniejszą pracę w początkowym procesie.

Θα θυμάμαι πάντα να διαβάζω αυτό το άρθρο. Είσαι ο καλύτερος ερευνητής!

Sapņi piepildās pēc šī emuāra izlasīšanas.

Hierdie pos is baie nuttig. Dankie vir hierdie nuttige inligting.

От време на време имам блажени моменти да благодаря на Бог за всички невероятни неща, които се случват.

Već mnogo dana tražim takav informativni post i čini se da je moja potraga upravo završila ovdje. Dobar posao. Nastavite objavljivati.

Dat is geweldig. Veel dingen om te leren. Bedankt voor het delen.

Ik speel ook graag met schrijven. Het is mijn favoriete spel.

Fantastičan blog!

Scrivere è facile quando non sai come fare, ma molto difficile quando lo sai.

Posta incredibile. Gli articoli che contengono osservazioni significative e smaliziate sono più piacevoli, in ogni caso per me.

W tej chwili jesteśmy naprawdę na szczycie i myślę, że to niesamowite, jak jesteśmy tak blisko. Może to jest test. Dlaczego nie całkowicie się zebrać, zamiast zawsze zastanawiać się, czy naprawdę się lubicie?

Denna artikel rockar!

Jeg tænkte på, hvordan vi skal få børn til at føle, at der er tidspunkter i deres liv, hvor de har brug for at være alene og stille og for at kunne acceptere deres alenehed.

Disse fagene var oppsiktsvekkende.

Ce conținut uimitor!

Olen itse asiassa viettänyt paljon aikaa tämän aiheen tutkimiseen ja olet tehnyt sen kanssa loistavaa työtä.

Il senso della vita è trovare il tuo dono. Lo scopo della vita è darlo via.

Είπα στους φίλους να κοιτάξω αυτό το θέμα, ήταν τόσο εμπνευσμένο.

Super star writing in this subject.

Sự hỗ trợ của các bạn đã khiến tôi trở thành một người mạnh mẽ hơn và tôi sẽ mãi mãi biết ơn.

Vissa människor kanske tycker att dessa tankar är sjukliga. För mig är det bara att vara på riktigt.

Hầu hết các blog sẽ không thấy bất kỳ hoạt động troll nào, nhưng nếu bạn trở nên nổi tiếng, chúng sẽ xuất hiện theo thời gian.

Denne blog ændrer sig ikke. Det er bare almindelige former. Tak skal du have.


나는 흥미로운 것을 원하지 않습니다. 나는 잘하고 싶다.

Ce blog n'est qu'une imitation de la nature.

Wenn du an andere glaubst und ihnen einen positiven Ruf gibst, den es zu wahren gilt, kannst du ihnen helfen, besser zu werden, als sie denken.

Bu tür blogları seviyorum.

Tôi không có bất cứ điều gì để nói về bài viết của người khác.

सबसे भयानक चीज जिसके बारे में मैं सोच सकता हूं वह है अकेला होना - और मेरा मतलब बिल्कुल अकेला है, जैसे दुनिया में कोई और नहीं - रात में।

Я люблю что-то эклектичное, когда одно не сочетается с другим. Вот почему я люблю ваш блог.

No hay muchos lugares, actividades o tipos de entretenimiento que alienten a las personas de diferentes grupos de edad a pasar tiempo juntos. Gracias por hacer esto tan bien.

Hierdie inhoud het my verstom.

Szeretném reflektorfénybe helyezni figyelmességét, kedvességét, kemény munkáját, törődését és erőfeszítéseit.

See postitus tegi mu päeva tõeliselt paremaks.

Diğer kişilerin ne düşündüklerini ve bu kişilerin kendileriyle veya müşterileri ile nasıl özdeşleştiğini incelemek büyüleyicidir, çünkü onların bakış açısı daha sonra size yardımcı olabilir.

Inspiroit minua aloittamaan tämän uuden luvun elämässäni. En olisi voinut tehdä sitä ilman sinua.


Kebijaksanaan saja adalah tujuan ambisi sejati, kebijaksanaan adalah sumber kebajikan dan ketenaran yang diperoleh dengan kerja keras, untuk umat manusia yang dipekerjakan, dan kemudian, ketika sebagian besar Anda membagikannya, paling baik dinikmati.

Recuperando il mio blog leggendo in aereo ieri, questo breve articolo mi ha attirato l'attenzione.

Đăng ký để xem bài viết mới nhất. Blog tuyệt vời!

Большое спасибо за контент.

Very few people possess true writing ability. It is therefore both unseemly and unproductive to irritate the situation by making an effort.

Super článek!

Minu sügavaimad impulsid on teie blogi lugedes optimistlikud. Jätka samas vaimus.

Estas publicaciones de blog fueron notables.

Che articolo fantastico!

क्या आपके ब्लॉग में संपर्क पेज है? मुझे इसका पता लगाने में परेशानी हो रही है लेकिन मैं आपको एक ई-मेल भेजना चाहता हूं। आपके ब्लॉग के लिए मेरे पास कुछ विचार हैं जिन्हें सुनने में आपकी रुचि हो सकती है।

I want to acknowledge how much you’ve done for me by writing this blog post. I am blessed.

Jou woorde vir my is magic. Jy kan 'n woord sê en dit roep allerhande beelde of gevoelens op. Dankie.

Kun menetät kaiken, tulet masentuneeksi, jos et peräänny ja ala arvostaa sitä, mitä sinulla on.

Baie goeie artikel en ook nuttig.

Bài viết của bạn rất rõ ràng. Tôi thích nó. Bạn là một nhà văn lớn.

Ik waardeer het dat je dit stuk met ons hebt gedeeld. Ik kijk er naar uit om het volgende deel te lezen.

Zostało mi trochę próżności. Ale wiem, żeby nie marnować czasu.


Sinun täytyy vain tuntea kunnioitusta aihetta kohtaan, josta kirjoitat, ja teet tämän. Hyvin tehty.

Ce blog reprend là où la nature s'arrête.

Bu makaleyi herkesin okuması gerekiyor.

Svobodná je pouze ta věc, která existuje z nezbytností své vlastní přirozenosti a je ve svém jednání určována sama sebou.

Ένας τρόπος για να γίνει αυτό είναι να κοιτάξουμε τη ζωή στα μάτια, στην άκοσμη πραγματικότητά της.

Teica man, draugiem, lai paskatās šo rakstu, tas bija tik iedvesmojoši.

Need teemad olid meeleheitel.

Jeg har ikke noget at sige til andres forfatterskab.

Não sei por que sempre fui tão cativado por sua escrita.

Wow cet article était incroyable.

Syyllisen omantunnon on tunnustettava. Tämä blogikirjoitus on tunnustus.

Skvělý. Jste úspěšní, protože sdílíte všechny znalosti, které máte, s ostatními.

Meer, meer, meer van dit onderwerp.

มีเรื่องราวที่น่าทึ่งมากมายจากทั่วประเทศนี้ ที่ซึ่งงานและผลงานของผู้คนได้รับการยอมรับ การได้เป็นส่วนหนึ่งในนั้นถือเป็นความรู้สึกที่วิเศษมาก

Não gosto de ficar sozinho em casa.


Γίνομαι υποκειμενικός. Και σε αυτό το σημείο, οι φίλοι θα σας πουν ότι είμαι σκληρός κριτικός, μάλλον πολύ σκληρός.

Vážné psaní na toto téma.

Тази публикация наистина ми направи деня.

Nice article keep it up like this in your future.

Zadaniem pisania jest ukazanie relacji między człowiekiem a jego otoczeniem. Jesteś tak dobrze.

Stav je da živimo i pustimo živjeti. Ovo je zapravo nevjerojatna promjena vrijednosti u prilično kratkom vremenu i primjer je slobode.

ถ้าโลกนี้มีคนแบบคุณเยอะขึ้น มันคงจะดีกว่านี้ คุณสร้างความแตกต่าง

Šis emuārs ir solis no acīmredzamā un labi zināmā uz noslēpumaino un slēpto.

Ce sujet déchire !

Ces articles de blog étaient époustouflants.

दिन में 13 घंटे घर से दूर रहने के कारण किसी भी चीज के लिए मुश्किल से ही समय मिलता है।

Nevjerojatno je koliko problema možete upasti kada nemate što drugo raditi.

Zdaję sobie sprawę, że pisanie protestów nie jest zbyt modne, ale napisałeś już wiele takich artykułów. Raczej niepotrzebne, ale zabawne.
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