The Truth Is You Are Not The Only Living Soul Bothered About Evaluating Business Master Plan Integrations
A good strategy includes a set of coherent actions. They are not “implementation” details; they are the punch in the strategy. A strategy that fails to define a variety of plausible and feasible immediate actions is missing a critical component.
A lack of connection between strategy and execution stems in part from the ingrained habit of not taking strategic issues into account when planning new implementations. With such habits in place, it becomes very challenging to build and develop distinctive capabilities. You may have to unlearn the old ways you put capabilities together and learn new ones that are linked closely to your strategy from the very first moment.
If you’re asking your team members to do something new, they may worry about risking failure or about changing their status from master to apprentice. Perhaps you’re asking them to throw out comfortable assumptions—that they provide a certain kind of value to the company, that the work they do is stable and prosperous. Maybe change upends the established balance of power, bringing some skill sets and experiences to new prominence and devaluing others.
In the early days you may be able to fly under the radar, but at some point, if you want to truly have an impact on the business, you’ll need the backing and support of key executives.
Cut Costs To Grow Stronger
A hallmark of true expertise and insight is making a complex subject understandable. A hallmark of mediocrity and poor strategy is unnecessary complexity — a flurry of fluff masking an absence of substance.
Dissect your past strategies. Which strategies have worked and which haven’t? Which strategies were supported by your employees and other stakeholders, and which weren’t? How well did you implement previous strategies?
It is often said that in many organisations, too much attention is paid to norms, rules, procedures and precedents and not enough to creative thinking. However, many of the problems that organisations face today cannot be solved without a creative approach.
Pay attention to the details as you roll out projects (and add more projects as more resources become available). Everything is going to impact implementation. Do you have the right organization structure? Is the information reaching the people it needs to reach?
Operating In Many Modes
It’s far more difficult for large organizations to tolerate risk than it is for smaller ones. They simply have much more to lose. Big businesses are more inclined to accept lower-risk concepts than new ideas that involve greater risk. Smaller organizations looking to edge out much larger counterparts must have a greater propensity for failure.
The operating knowledge used to run distinctive capabilities in most companies is tacit. In other words, it is held within the minds of people doing the work, is habitually followed, and is passed on through on-the-job training. This tacit knowledge is rarely written down in any systematic way. Because this knowledge is learned on the job, often within a function or business unit, it varies across different parts of the enterprise, often with some parts of the organization being far more capable than others.
For decisions to be formulated accurately and implemented effectively, people must have the freedom to act and to be able to exploit their potential. This requires the removal of unnecessary bureaucratic or procedural constraints, giving people clear (and possibly expanding) areas of responsibility and authority.
Ensure that your strategic plan is still appropriate, clear, and embraced by the team. It’s often shocking to most leaders, but up to 95% of employees are unaware of, or don’t understand, company strategy. Update the plan as needed and make sure it can be summarized in a short, clear statement that employees can express with confidence and energy.
Reorganize To Drive Change
Almost by definition, a strategy can never actually be fully implemented because everything that you necessarily assumed when formulating it—about customers, technology, regulation, competitors, and so on—is in a constant state of flux. CEOs and their business unit leaders must continuously evolve their strategies if they are to remain relevant and competitive. And if that’s the case, there will always be a gap between where their companies are and what their strategies call for.
Leaders need to think hard about how to make purpose central to their strategy. The two best tactics for doing that are to transform the leadership agenda and to disseminate purpose throughout the organization.
To achieve great victories, you must be clear about your goals and objectives at every level of the business. This requires that you know exactly what it is that you want to accomplish and how you are going to go about accomplishing it. This is the first principle of strategy.
Having conflicting goals, dedicating resources to unconnected targets, and accommodating incompatible interests are the luxuries of the rich and powerful, but they make for bad strategy. Despite this, most organizations will not create focused strategies. Instead, they will generate laundry lists of desirable outcomes and, at the same time, ignore the need for genuine competence in coordinating and focusing their resources.
Determine Your Corporate Mission
You need someone who can come in and be a facilitator of the strategic planning process. This person will take the time to fully understand your company, your people, your markets, your competition, and the situation you are facing in your business today.
Learn as much as you can so you’re informed, not just reacting to rumor and innuendo. Use your internal network and ask others in the organization for insight, context, and clarity. When you’ve done the hard work of sense-making, you’ll be able to anticipate the questions your team will ask and prepare the most effective answers you can.
Many people ask why “capabilities and management systems” are part of strategy when they are really elements of execution. That is yet another manifestation of the widespread, artificial, and unhelpful attempt to distinguish between choices that are “strategic” and ones that are “executional” or “tactical.”
Ensure that the products/services you plan to build are unique, with clear differentiation and that they are aligned with your business. Think back to when Apple launched the iPod, a truly innovative product. The company has since been well-known for its brand and quality. Along with its computers, people buy Apple's other products too, like the iPhone, iPad, etc., even though they might be more expensive than the alternatives.
Recognize Who Your Stakeholders Are
Our strengths are our core competencies—those things we do better than any of our competitors or that really tie together all the products we offer in a unique way. What internal structures or expertise do we have that are a special source of pride? This becomes the center for determining what we will do in the future. We want to constantly build on the things we already do particularly well.
An Integrated Cost Leadership/Differentiation Strategy involves producing low-cost products with differentiated features. This strategy is about simultaneously focusing on two drivers of competitive advantage: cost and differentiation. This type of strategy is often called a hybrid strategy.
Scenario planning helps provide a better understanding of how different factors affecting a business effect each other. It can reveal linkages between apparently unrelated factors and, most importantly, it can provide greater insight into the forces shaping the future, delivering real competitive advantage.
Experience shows that risk must be actively managed and accorded a high priority, not only within the decision-making process but permanently and throughout the organisation. This might mean that risk-management procedures and techniques are well documented, clearly communicated and regularly reviewed and monitored. In order to manage risks, you have to know what they are, what factors affect them and what their potential impact is.
Compensate Fairly And Well
Focused low-cost business strategies are similar to focused differentiation strategies, but their point of differentiation is specifically lower-cost products and services. An integrated low-cost/differentiation strategy is the middle ground between focused differentiation and focused low-cost business strategies. It’s effectively a hybrid model where differentiated products are sold at a lower-than-average price point.
Two common mistakes beset decision-making. The first is to react to a situation as if it were a unique series of events, when the problem it reflects is a generic one requiring the application of a consistent rule, principle or strategy. This results from an inability to see the big picture or to understand where the events might lead. The second is to perceive a situation as if it were a generic issue requiring an old solution; if it is a new type of situation, a new solution is required.
It’s essential to think about who your stakeholders are before diving into strategy discussions. But simply identifying these groups or individuals is not enough. You must also think carefully about their wants and needs—as well as your own—to have a better understanding of how they align with your potential strategy.
Many management fads come and go, with greater or lesser success. But one management skill is always the most valuable, and that is the ability to develop a clear, workable strategic plan that gives you a competitive advantage in your marketplace.
Cash Flow Is Critical
Strategic groups can generally be ranked in a rough hierarchical order built on two dimensions: price and performance. Each jump in price tends to bring a corresponding jump in some dimensions of performance.
In business, a strategy is the long-range sketch of the desired image, direction and destination of the organisation. It is a scheme of corporate intent and action, which is carefully planned and flexibly designed with the purpose of achieving effectiveness, perceiving and utilising opportunities and meeting challenges and threats.
Small organizations know the importance of staying on the move. The most innovative ones are sources of constant motion and creativity. For this reason, you should husband your strength and resources so that you can concentrate energy when it’s needed. This requires you to carefully be in tune with the capabilities and limitations of all of your people. The better your leaders know their people and their limitations, the better they’ll be able to gauge when undue burden is placed on them, so they can always bring out their best.
Budget according to what actual expenses have been in the past, but be proactive as well. Determine a reasonable amount to spend on office supplies and budget accordingly. You can establish other benchmarks by comparing your expenses with other companies in your industry. If you belong to a trade group, find out how other members have done relative to their projections. Have they come in over or under their projections? Did they miss or exceed the mark by less than 5 percent—or by more than 10? Try to find out how specific competitors have done. If all else fails, find out how businesses in your region do in general.
Get The Strategic Sequence Right
If your strategy is to be a specialist company, making something for a certain type of customer, or if you have a geographic focus, then you probably want to be decentralized into different business units. But you still need to coordinate across your decentralized units.
How is your company’s leadership making informed decisions about the arrangement of your company as a complex system of many moving and interconnected parts—including organizational capabilities, resources, and management systems—all aimed at fulfilling one overarching purpose? What frameworks and information do your leaders require to ask good questions, have better conversations, and make robust strategic and organizational choices?
Divestment strategy means that you have to get rid of yesterday before you can go on to tomorrow. What are you going to get out of, cut back on, remove, or eliminate altogether? One of the basic rules in strategic thinking is to never go into something new until you have gotten rid of something old. Never expand into a new area until you have divested yourself of something in an older area.
We are living in an age of the most dramatic change in all of history. What worked very well for some companies for a long time does not work at all today. Companies like Blockbuster and Borders Books went from market leaders to bankruptcy in just a couple of years when the business environment changed.
Business Strategy Implementation
We should not let the simplistic but comforting dualism of strategy and execution deceive us. Execution should be as varied, as thoughtful, as subtle, as diverse, and as intertwined with strategy as is necessary to get the job done, and that will vary according to the specific challenge at hand. In short, your execution needs a strategy.
A good place to start closing your strategy-to-execution gap is by first defining two or three primary elements of your identity: a clear, recognizable value proposition and the capabilities system that supports it. You continue to iterate these; with each iteration, you match them more closely together. At some point you must consider how these fit your portfolio of products and services and how to drive coherence among all three elements.
If you make a commodity product, your strategy is going to be based on becoming a low-cost producer. In this case, your structure is intended to achieve economies of scale and scope. What can you standardize? How can you reduce costs? What tasks can you make repeatable?
A business should demonstrate its honesty and integrity to both the outside world and its own employees. Decisions that lack integrity are unlikely to succeed and are likely to be damaging. Dishonesty leads to difficult decisions becoming worse or harder to make, and it may become impossible to make or implement future decisions as people’s trust and respect diminish.

Når jeg arbejder alene, kan det være som at pusle med et lærred. Måske maler du over bidder, og det begynder at danne sit eget liv og lede dig i en retning. Det bliver en intuitiv, underbevidst proces. Er du den samme?


Le-am arătat colegilor acest conținut, m-a inspirat.




Blog gerçekten bana ilham verdi.

Bài báo tuyệt vời, tôi sẽ nói với mọi người để xem.

मैंने अब आपकी वेबसाइट पर कुछ लेख पढ़े हैं, और मुझे आपकी शैली बहुत पसंद है।

Tento blog se nemění. Má jen obyčejné formy. Děkuji.

Bác sĩ trị liệu của tôi nói rằng tôi vẫn chưa tiếp xúc được với cơn giận của mình. Có lẽ một ngày nào đó tôi sẽ bùng nổ. Nhưng tôi vẫn thực sự hạnh phúc. Tôi biết nó trông giống như một cuộc nuôi dạy kỳ lạ và đau đớn - tất cả những trải nghiệm đó đã dẫn tôi đến những con đường mà tôi đang đi hiện tại.

Merci beaucoup pour votre soutien.

Minu tunded selle teema suhtes on vähem eelarvamuslikud kui varem.

Не могу дождаться, чтобы прочитать вашу следующую статью.

이 주제는 우리의 상상에 캔버스에 불과합니다.

Думите могат да бъдат изречени с горчивина и гняв и често изглежда, че в гадостта има елемент на истина. И думите не изчезват, те просто отекват наоколо.


Nagyon szerettem olvasni a blogodat. A hozzászólásaidat is nagyon érdekesnek találtam. Sőt, miután elolvastam, meg kellett mutatnom a barátomnak, és ő is örült neki!

Κανείς δεν τα έχει όλα, αλλά για μένα το να πλησιάζω είναι καταπληκτικό.

Saya selalu membenci setiap penyimpangan dari kenyataan, suatu sikap yang saya hubungkan dengan kesehatan mental ibu saya yang buruk.

Ich habe auch über dieses Thema geschrieben, aber Sie haben einen besseren Job gemacht als ich!

이 블로그를 이렇게 좋게 만드는 것은 당신의 정신적 태도라고 생각합니다.

Tyto předměty byly překvapivé.

Este blog é quente!

Nie mogę się doczekać, aż przeczytam Twoją następną treść.

Не е възможно да проумеете тънкостите на тема като тази в една статия, но сте я опитали добре.

Kas te ir noticis? Kā jūs uzzinājāt šo informāciju?

Livet handlar om att måla en bild, inte att göra en summa.

Katten kryper opp ved siden av meg i favorittstolen min om kveldene og krøller seg spinnende. Kombinasjonen av myk varm pels og rumlende summing gir alltid fred.

Lisää, lisää, lisää tästä artikkelista.

Nimeni nu poate ajunge din a fi talentat singur, munca transformă talentul în geniu.

Nội dung này thật đáng ngạc nhiên.


Većina ljudi koji su sada slavne ličnosti ne rade ništa da bi to zaslužili, pa samo po toj činjenici ne želim da to budem.

Diğer kişilerin ne düşündüklerini ve bu kişilerin kendileriyle veya müşterileri ile nasıl özdeşleştiğini incelemek büyüleyicidir, çünkü onların bakış açısı daha sonra size yardımcı olabilir.


Tak fordi du deler din viden og erfaring med mig.


Après avoir perdu mon fiancé, il me semblait qu'il valait mieux être toujours seul que de risquer d'être blessé à nouveau.

It's only when you're alone that you realize where you are. You have nothing to fall back on except your own resources.

Subjek yang benar-benar menakjubkan.

Мога да опиша сценарий, при който бихте направили всичко, за да имате това чувство отново.

Svijet se nada strastvenijim piscima poput vas koji se ne plaše spomenuti u šta vjeruju. Uvijek slijedite svoje srce.

A la gente le gustan los excéntricos. Por eso me dejarán en paz, diciendo que soy un payaso loco.

Tutti coloro che offrono un'opinione su qualsiasi punto dubbio dovrebbero prima liberare la mente da ogni sentimento di antipatia, amicizia, rabbia o pietà.

Ringkasan seperti ini berguna karena mereka membicarakan hal yang sama dengan cara yang sama, dan karenanya kemungkinan membuat ringkasan yang koheren lebih tinggi.

Mulle ei meeldi üksi majades olla.

Tu escritura apunta a la Eternidad. Me encanta.

Hvala na ovom postu. Stvarno mi se sviđa tvoje gledište.

혼자 꾸는 꿈은 꿈일 뿐입니다. 함께 꾸는 꿈이 현실이 됩니다.

Nød at læse artiklen, da den virkelig forklarer alt i detaljer.

Sungguh subjek yang luar biasa!


Искусство принятия — это искусство заставить того, кто только что оказал вам маленькую услугу, пожелать, чтобы он мог оказать вам большую услугу.

Спасибо, что поделились своими знаниями.

Odrastao sam gledajući svog oca kako se ponašati. Gledajući ga shvatio sam toliko stvari. Vlastiti je temperament bio mirne osobe.

Σας είμαι για πάντα υπόχρεος για τη σύνταξη αυτής της ανάρτησης ιστολογίου.

Het vir my kollegas hierdie onderwerp gewys, dit het my geïnspireer.

Pārmaiņu ātrums liek domāt, kas notiks ar pasauli.

Pusti me na miru i idi u potragu za nekim drugim.

Отделянето на време да ми помогнете беше много хубаво нещо за вас. Много благодаря.

Jeg får øyeblikk ved å lese bloggen din som får meg til å klype meg selv, noen av dem gjør meg ganske emosjonell.

Seu blog é bem legal.

Ovaj blog post nije ono što vidite vi, već ono što činite drugima da vide.


Trenutno smo stvarno jedni na drugima i mislim da je nevjerojatno kako ostajemo tako bliski. Možda je to test. Zašto se ne biste potpuno sastavili, umjesto da se uvijek pitate sviđate li se jedno drugome?

These subjects were awesome.

Hvala vam što ste preuzeli inicijativu i što ste to učinili.

Je déteste ça. Et je déteste prendre position ici sur ce blog pour l'acceptation des autres.

Bir blog yazısı oluşturmak, sıraya koymaktır. Neyi sıraya koy? Kelimeler ve anlam.

Essensen av all vakker skrift, all god skrift, er takknemlighet. Takk skal du ha.

Vitaliteit straalt van uitzonderlijk schrijven.

To kwestia otwarcia oczu i uszu i obserwowania, jak inni grają w grę.

Apbrīnojami, kad vienādojumam pievieno dzīvību un apziņu, jūs faktiski varat izskaidrot dažas no lielākajām zinātnes mīklām.

Apreciaría la aclaración de sus sentimientos y razonamientos.

Mooie website, bedankt voor het delen.

Fantastisk artikel, jeg vil bede alle om at se.

Lumea speră la mai mulți scriitori pasionați, precum tine, care nu se tem să menționeze ceea ce cred. Urmează-ți mereu inima.

Jen musíte mít pocit respektu k předmětu, o kterém píšete, a uděláte to. Výborně.

Konten ini sensasional.

Sjajan post. Sadrži puno relevantnih informacija.

É sobre individualidade, auto-expressão, singularidade; tudo isso está faltando nesta tentativa clonada e comercial de aproximação.

Questi articoli erano stupendi.

Mitt hjärta och min själ står dig i evig tacksamhet. Tack för att du är fantastisk.

Alla de som ger en åsikt om någon tveksam punkt bör först rensa sina sinnen från varje känsla av motvilja, vänskap, ilska eller medlidande.

Vaša sposobnost da spriječite sebe da budete u fokusu pažnje je bez premca.

Jag antar att eftersom jag hade ett så hemskt liv när jag växte upp, gick från plats till plats utan att veta vad jag skulle göra och slutade med att jag blev hemlös, var det mycket smärta och mycket ilska som kom ut genom mitt eget skrivande.

Patrząc wstecz, wciągnęły mnie postawy kulturowe, a nie powinienem.

Serieus schrijven over dit onderwerp.

Questo post ha davvero reso la mia giornata.

Disse fagene var tankevekkende.

Le chat rampe à côté de moi dans ma chaise préférée le soir et se recroqueville en ronronnant. La combinaison d'une fourrure douce et chaude et d'un bourdonnement grondant apporte toujours la paix.

Каждый писатель сначала был любителем.


Esiteks, arusaadav ja lihtne, teil pole tegelikult aimugi, mida tähendab olla selline, kui te just selline pole. See on kahe teraga mõõk.

Hiç kimse bizim için risk alamaz, kayıplarımızla bizim adımıza yüzleşemez veya bize özgüven veremez. Bizi hayatın sapanlarından ve oklarından kimse kurtaramaz ve ölüm geldiğinde onu yalnız karşılarız.

Scrittura seria su questo argomento.

Jeg tror, at god skrivning kommer fra et mørkt sted.

Μου έχουν μείνει μερικές μικρές ματαιοδοξίες. Ξέρω όμως για το να μην ξεκουράζω χρόνο.

Vissa människor kanske tycker att dessa tankar är sjukliga. För mig är det bara att vara på riktigt.
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