The Truth Is You Are Not The Only Person Nervous About Investigating Economic Methodology Transmissions
Strategy is not about the long term or the short term, but about the fundamentals of how the business works: the sources of value creation, the drivers of the cost to deliver it, and the basis of competition. To get a grip on strategy, we do not need to lengthen the time horizon of our thinking but its depth. Far from being about things we are going to do in the future, strategy is about what we are going to do now in order to shape the future to our advantage.
Implementing a business plan and a game plan takes hard work. It takes wisdom, discipline, courage, an eye for detail, and, most of all, persistence. It also requires an outward focus and an inward focus. You must set goals, communicate them, review them, monitor their realization, and stick to them when other people might abandon them.
Before considering decisions that can build and strengthen brands, it is helpful to understand what advantages they offer. The value of a brand lies in the understanding or trust of customers. This leads to the first advantage: pricing. A successful and established brand can command a price premium that exceeds any extra cost in terms of production and marketing, derived from the element of trust that a brand provides.
With an export-driven strategy, you’re stuck paying higher taxes and tariffs every time you export, and it can be challenging to coordinate supply chains and customer service with only offices in your home market. And just because you’re dipping your toe into a global market, you are not off the hook for translation. Your customers still need to be able to understand what you offer and how to pay for it regardless of the level of global integration you’re pursuing.
Making Better Decisions
Value innovation places equal emphasis on value and innovation. Value without innovation tends to focus on value creation on an incremental scale, something that improves value but is not sufficient to make you stand out in the marketplace.18 Innovation without value tends to be technology-driven, market pioneering, or futuristic, often shooting beyond what buyers are ready to accept and pay for.
A successful business strategy ensures that an organisation – regardless of whether it’s a startup, a small business, or a global corporation– maintains a competitive advantage in its market. It’s there to help guide decision-making, particularly on matters such as business priorities, and resource allocation.
Because the assumptions underlying your business model are embedded in all your processes — and because stable businesses need predictability — it won’t be easy to change course. Organizations are very good at resisting change.
Pooled interdependence is the lowest level of interdependence. There’s little coordination. Units are self-contained and self-directed. Sequential interdependence requires a little more coordination and cooperation because what happens in one unit then affects another unit. Reciprocal interdependence is the highest level of connection and cooperation. Every unit interacts and depends on other units.
Central Concepts In Strategic Planning
The principle of maneuver applied to business refers to innovation and creativity in finding better, faster, cheaper ways to serve customers, make sales, and achieve higher levels of profitability. To maintain this kind of flexibility in business, you must always be willing to stand back and question the status quo.
Matching your company’s strategic style to the predictability and malleability of your industry will align overall strategy with the broad economic conditions in which the company operates. But various company units may well operate in differing subsidiary or geographic markets that are more or less predictable and malleable than the industry at large.
Good strategy is coherent action backed up by an argument, an effective mixture of thought and action with a basic underlying structure I call the kernel. A good strategy may consist of more than the kernel, but if the kernel is absent or misshapen, then there is a serious problem. Once you apprehend this kernel, it is much easier to create, describe, and evaluate a strategy.
The basic strategic variables for consideration as you make a plan for the future are products, services, customers, markets, finances, people, technology, and production capability. These are the areas of your business that you may continue as before or change, depending on your strategic goals.
Mobilising Resources
Continuous improvement through a commitment to learning, development and investment will often help to keep operational decisions incisive and relevant. Past performance and areas of weakness must be regularly assessed. A commitment to developing individuals, training people and spreading best-practice techniques is also necessary. An organisation must be prepared to challenge established systems and processes, and to set new targets in its pursuit of improved performance.
The problems you encounter in running your company are tough enough to solve. Don’t let confusion muddy the waters. This means keeping your analyses as objective as possible and admitting what you see to those around you. Don’t try to persuade yourself or others to see what isn’t there. You may be the only person, for example, who can tell whether a two-month downturn in revenues reflects your ordinary business cycle or the beginning of a more drastic trend. Therefore, you must gauge the truth and act accordingly.
Does your business plan spend more time describing what will happen in the first one to two years than it spends on years five to 10? Then what you have is really just a budget expressed in prose, not a strategy. Pick five years as the focus of your strategy. Where does the company want to play — and how does it want to win — five years from now? After you’ve determined that, make the next four years the steps you need to take to achieve your five-year target.
A strategic plan cannot be static. It must be adaptable to change and must reflect the process of continuous improvement and development within an organisation. To keep the plan relevant and realistic, it is essential to evaluate and modify it on a rolling basis, mindful of changing circumstances and new opportunities or problems.
The Customer Is King
A good strategy defines a critical challenge. What is more, it builds a bridge between that challenge and action, between desire and immediate objectives that lie within grasp. Thus, the objectives a good strategy sets should stand a good chance of being accomplished, given existing resources and competence.
The need to forecast and manage uncertainty requires intuition, creative insight and the ability to respond to events quickly, effectively and imaginitively. It is not simply what we know that matters, but how we react to what we do not know. In a volatile, competitive and international commercial environment, organisations must be alert and adaptable. Continuous improvement is always to be valued, but there are times when more dramatic change is needed.
Every great strategy has focus, and a company’s strategic profile, or value curve, should clearly show it. Investing across the board and lettin competitors’ moves set their agendas results in costly business models.
Great CEOs must constantly develop new products to build and retain a customer base. Foresight is also the ability to hire and retain the right people, looking ahead toward the growth of the company. Finally, over time, each company must develop a steady source of business during both good economic times and bad, because there are sure to be bad economic times during the life of a business.
Gaps In Execution
A word that can mean anything has lost its bite. To give content to a concept one has to draw lines, marking off what it denotes and what it does not. To begin the journey toward clarity, it is helpful to recognize that the words “strategy” and “strategic” are often sloppily used to mark decisions made by the highest-level officials.
Some successful companies fall into the trap of coasting on their past success. But the companies we’ve studied generally work hard to avoid complacency. They explicitly try to anticipate how their capabilities will need to evolve. They make the necessary investments early enough that they will be out in front of changes in the world around them. They build privileged relationships with their key customers, creating demand instead of just following it, launching products and services that define and fill unarticulated customer needs.
Business-level strategy looks at how to win within a market, and corporate level strategy looks at what markets you should be in. For example, you might be in the vitamin niche. Your corporate-level strategies will determine what niches within the vitamin market you’ll compete in, for example, cod liver oil, muscle growth, etc. Your business-level strategy will determine how you intend to win in each of these markets.
Great CEOs seek out feedback. They want to know how others see them so that they can understand themselves better and continue to grow as people. They also want feedback about the company from an employee perspective, and they use surveys as a starting point for creating a dialogue to make things better.
Unifying The Organization
A good place to start closing your strategy-to-execution gap is by first defining two or three primary elements of your identity: a clear, recognizable value proposition and the capabilities system that supports it. You continue to iterate these; with each iteration, you match them more closely together. At some point you must consider how these fit your portfolio of products and services and how to drive coherence among all three elements.
Decisions often involve compromise, and as long as the essential goals will still be achieved there is nothing wrong with this. Sometimes the ideal solution is unattainable, but it is better to have 50% of something than 100% of nothing.
Your company must have a real-world strategic plan that carefully considers the reality of your competitive marketplace. With that plan in place, each department within the organization should have a well-coordinated strategic plan and tactics to support the company’s über-goal. Everything you do should be designed to deploy and advance that strategy.
To maintain strategic alignment, a company’s people, culture, structure, and processes have to flex and change as the strategy itself shifts. The symptoms of poor alignment are often obvious, especially to those who work in the company, but also to customers who do not experience the service they expect from a company’s branding and advertising.
Understand And Accept Risk
When a leader characterizes the challenge the business faces as underperformance, it sets the stage for poor strategy. Underperformance is a result. The true challenges are the reasons for the underperformance. Unless leadership offers a theory of why things haven’t worked in the past, or why the challenge is difficult, it is hard to generate good strategy.
A company needs a vision statement that everyone from the CEO to the receptionist can understand. It formulates what an organization wants to be and stimulates specific goals that can be passed down to every department in the organization. It needs to be something useful and applicable to daily operations. You—and, more importantly, your coworkers—should feel comfortable using your vision statement in everyday conversation.
Local responsiveness refers to how companies serve a specific market’s needs — essentially, how much do they change from market to market? This isn’t just about translating the website or mobile app into a different language, but about the entire customer experience, from payment processes to imagery and product choices or specifications.
Strategic planning must focus individually on each SBU to define clearly targeted goals and actions. The approach to the development (or disposal) of each SBU is likely to be different, reflecting the specific nature of the customer relationship, the competitive environment and the key factors for successful development.
Openness To Taking Risks
To achieve the best possible understanding of market issues, there must be an organisational structure, climate and practical process allowing everyone to share their knowledge of customers and to use these insights to improve customer service. Customer focus is not for the few, it is an essential prerequisite for everyone.
While there are many theories that explain why companies fail and succeed, they are mostly descriptive, not prescriptive. There is no step-by-step model that prescribes in specific terms how companies can formulate and execute their strategies to obtain high performance.
The structure question that most companies have to ask themselves is: Do you centralize or not? Do you push decisions down the organization to your divisions or business units, or do you keep them at headquarters?
Providing sufficient resources to avoid, mitigate or control risks is important, as is clear organisational communication. Focusing on the quality of what people do is crucial too. Designing and maintaining management information systems to produce the right information in the right form at the right time to the right people should make it easier to control risks, particularly at times of change. Following a process for managing risk involves assessing potential catalysts, avoiding or dulling them and taking action.
Cash Flow Is Critical
While it’s important to confront the fear and doubt that’s driving resistance to your strategy, you can’t always afford to bring conflict to a head. Sometimes, open clashes can help resolve disagreements and channel your people’s passion in a constructive way. Other times, they simply put too much stress on the group’s morale.
There are no permanently excellent companies, just as there are no permanently excellent industries. Corporations do smart things and less-than-smart things. To improve the quality of our success we need to study what we did that made a positive difference and understand how to replicate it systematically.
When business leaders think of strategy, they think a lot about product development and sales and marketing. But the structure of your company can make a big difference in the successful implementation of your strategy.
Coherent companies deliberately commit themselves to an identity based not on what they sell, but on what they do. Having made this commitment, they only enter competitive markets where they believe they have a “right to win”: where their identity and their capabilities give them an edge.

Dette er virkelig fascinerende, du er en alt for dygtig blogger.

Solitude is strength to depend on the presence of the crowd is weakness. The man who needs a mob to nerve him is much more alone than he imagines.

Oplysningerne er virkelig nyttige og virkelig motiverende.

Yaptığınız işi bırakıp bu blogu okumalısınız.

Naprosto věřím, že se jedná o společenskou aktivitu, která má co do činění s nějakým druhem komunikace nebo místa interakce, a že změnit prostředí znamená změnit chování.

Trong những thời điểm căng thẳng hoặc gặp nghịch cảnh, tốt nhất bạn nên giữ sự bận rộn, dồn cơn giận và năng lượng của mình vào một điều gì đó tích cực.

Dette innholdet var oppsiktsvekkende.

इस तरह के विषयों पर लिखने की कला में लोगों को खांसने से बचाना है।

Jeg føler meg litt på kanten om dette emnet, men jeg har ikke noe imot det, jeg fortsetter bare å lese på en veldig spent måte.

आप जो कुछ भी करते हैं, उसके लिए आप कौन हैं, मैं हमेशा आभारी रहूंगा कि आप मेरे जीवन में हैं।

Tôi thực sự yêu thích đọc blog của bạn. Tôi cũng tìm thấy bài viết của bạn rất thú vị. Thực tế là sau khi đọc, tôi đã phải đưa nó cho bạn tôi xem và anh ấy cũng rất vui!

Tôi hoàn toàn thích những gì bạn đang làm. Tôi học mọi lúc từ tất cả những bài viết tuyệt vời này.

Я прочитал этот пост. Ваш пост такой красивый и очень информативный. Спасибо, что поделились этим постом.

Zaista bih vam se zahvalio na vašem članku jer je zaista od pomoći.

Sok problémám van, de nagyon jól tudom, mit kell tennem, hogy boldog legyek azzal, amit alkotok. Tudom, mikor állítsam meg magam, tudom, mikor kezdjem el, tudom, mikor kell békén hagyni valamit. Azt hiszem, teljesen beleélem magam, és ezért csak időt veszek rá.


जो प्रबल वासनाओं को महसूस करने, क्रोध से कांपने, शब्द के हर अर्थ में जीने में असमर्थ है, वह कभी भी एक अच्छा लेखक नहीं होगा।

Du kan vise den påskønnelse på store og små måder. Det er ofte de små ting, der virkelig tæller og vil lægge op til et stabilt, kærligt og gensidigt fordelagtigt forhold.

Se on vain minun näkemykseni, mutta mielestäni sinun suuri vahvuutesi on puhetaitosi.

Kirjoittaminen on erittäin hankalaa, koska teet sen itsellesi.

Nicht viele Schriftsteller haben den Luxus, bedeutende Dinge abzulehnen.

Teie ajaveeb võimaldab inimestel unistada oma võitlusest väljapääsu.

Няма много места, занимания или видове забавления, които насърчават хората от различни възрастови групи да прекарват времето си заедно. Благодаря, че направихте това толкова добре.

Blog này là một lực lượng chính trong việc giải thích con người với con người.

İnternetin harika olduğunu düşünen insanlardan biriyim ve var olduğuna inanamıyorum.

Det må føles dejligt at modtage sådan en kommentar.

Я всегда ненавидел любое отклонение от реальности, отношение, которое я связываю с плохим психическим здоровьем моей матери.

Geçmişte çok zamanımı tüketen ilgi alanlarını son zamanlarda bıraktım.

De navigatieregels hebben nooit een schip genavigeerd. De regels van het schrijven hebben nooit een blog als deze gebouwd.

Även om jag måste stå ensam kommer jag inte vara rädd för att stå ensam. Jag ska kämpa för dig. Jag ska kämpa för det som är rätt. Jag kommer att kämpa för att hålla folk ansvariga.

감사합니다'라는 말을 넘어 제 감사함과 고마움을 오래오래 느끼셨으면 좋겠습니다.

Istnieje kilka niesamowitych historii z całego kraju, w których praca i wkład ludzi zostały docenione. Bycie częścią tego to absolutnie fantastyczne uczucie.

Graben dieses Blogs.

Siempre he detestado cualquier desviación de la realidad, actitud que relaciono con la mala salud mental de mi madre.


Tämä sisältö oli uskomatonta.

Bu blog yazıları şaşırtıcıydı.

Blog fantastique!

Devi interrompere ciò che stai facendo e leggere questo contenuto.

이 주제는 우리의 상상에 캔버스에 불과합니다.

n Ligpunt die afgelope jaar is my ontdekking van hierdie blog. Dit het my 'n manier gegee om op vreemde ure sosiaal te wees sonder om die huis te verlaat.

Teie kirjutamine läheb mugavuse saamiseks kaduma. Ma näen vajadust seda selgitada.

Tento obsah byl úžasný.

이 일을 해주셔서 감사합니다. 당신은 주제를 잘 조사했습니다.


Después de perder a mi prometido, parecía que sería mejor estar siempre solo que correr el riesgo de que me lastimaran de nuevo.

맙소사 이 콘텐츠를 좋아했습니다.

Minden alkotó fájdalmasan éli át a szakadékot belső látásmódja és végső kifejezése között. Ezt a tökéletességig csinálod. Az apróságok teszik a tökéletességet, és a tökéletesség nem csekélység.

Търся такава информативна публикация от много дни и изглежда, че търсенето ми току-що приключи тук. Добра работа. Продължавайте да публикувате.

हो सकता है कि मेरे अहंकार की घटती भूमिका उदात्त की एक निश्चित मात्रा में प्रवेश करने के लिए एक जगह खोल रही हो।

Ten blog to tylko imitacja natury.

Sinu postitus on tore ja väga informatiivne – aitäh jagamast – jätka samas vaimus.

ขอบคุณสำหรับการแบ่งปัน. ฉันจะอยู่ที่นี่ทุกงวดของบทความนี้

Gripende å lese denne bloggen.

As pessoas podem escrever qualquer coisa. E eles podem ser bons em qualquer coisa e em êxtase em qualquer coisa.

Ek weet nie hoekom ek nog altyd so geboei was deur jou skryfwerk nie.

대부분의 블로그에는 트롤 활동이 표시되지 않지만 유명해지면 이따금 등장할 것입니다.

Jums ir pietiekami daudz cieņas pret citiem cilvēkiem, lai atstātu viņu dzīvi mierā. Ja jūs apbrīnojat šo dzīvi, veidojiet to sev. Nemēģiniet vienkārši ienākt un atņemt kādam citam dzīvību.

Kirjoittaminen koostuu rajoituksista. Jokaisen artikkelin kaunein osa on bannerimainos.

Tulee kertomaan tästä aiheesta kaikille.

Dankie vir hierdie pos. Ons wil meer van dieselfde hê!


Desde que tengo memoria he sufrido de un profundo sentimiento de ansiedad que he tratado de expresar al comentar en los blogs.

Suurepärane artikkel, ma ütlen kõigile, et vaadake.

Вы никогда не должны быть удовлетворены тем, что вы пишете. Вы должны рассердиться, ужасно разозлиться на это.

I wouldn’t be where I am without you.

Bu makaleyi herkesin okuması gerekiyor.

Dobar članak, uljepšali ste mi dan podijelivši nevjerojatan članak. Htio bih opet biti ovdje.

Komoly írás ebben a blogbejegyzésben.

Svært få mennesker har ekte skriveevne. Det er derfor både upassende og uproduktivt å irritere situasjonen ved å gjøre en innsats.


이 기사들은 굉장했습니다.

Благодаря за упоритата работа по това. Добре си проучила темата.

So sehr ich mich manchmal auch nach einer Art Sicherheit und Beständigkeit sehne, genieße ich es doch, herumgeschubst zu werden. Ich weiß wirklich nicht, was manchmal nächste Woche passiert, geschweige denn dieses Jahr.


Ennen kuin löysin omasi, törmäsin vain harvoille sivustoille, joissa puhutaan tästä aiheesta.

Sjoe, jy het my baie geleer die afgelope paar maande. Jy is die beste.

Roddels is de kunst om niets te zeggen op een manier die praktisch niets ongezegd laat.

Az emberek azt akarják, hogy megbecsüljék, törődjenek velük, szeressék, megbízzák és tiszteljék őket. De azt is szeretnék, hogy megértsék őket, és ha elsajátítod az ehhez szükséges készségeket, akkor valóban kivételes leszel.

Lehnen Sie niemals eine Expedition zum Schreiben von Artikeln ab, es sei denn, es besteht ein Interessenkonflikt, ein Gefahrenpotential für Sie oder Ihre Familie oder Sie haben eine stark voreingenommene Haltung gegenüber dem Thema, auf das Sie sich konzentrieren.

मेरा व्यक्तिगत विचार है कि यह विषय एक पूर्ण अच्छा है और केवल एक सापेक्ष अच्छा नहीं है।

Die menslike liggaam en gees is geweldige kragte wat voortdurend wonderlike wetenskaplikes en die samelewing is. Daarom het ons geen ander keuse as om 'n oop gemoed te hou oor wat die mens kan bereik nie.

Lisasin teie ajaveebi järjehoidjatesse, kuna leidsin teie blogist väga head teavet.

내가 어떻게 몇 시간 동안 걸을 수 있다는 것이 놀랍지 않습니까? 그래서 재미도 없고 재미도 없습니다. 그러나 나는 몇 시간 동안 걸을 수 있습니다. 일종의 끔찍한 선물이죠?

Ovaj blog nije ograničen, ali njegov rezultat jeste.

Pos is baie nuttig.Dankie hierdie nuttige inligting.

वहाँ बहुत सारे लोग हैं जो कठिन समय से गुजरते हैं, और वे अकेला महसूस करते हैं। उन्हें लगता है कि वहां कोई नहीं है। लेकिन मैं एक ही नाव में हूँ।

Berätta för alla om detta innehåll.

Ta treść była niesamowita.

Ez a tartalom fantasztikus volt.


Ongelooflike inhoud, ek sal vir almal sê om te kyk.

Deze artikelen waren verbazingwekkend.

उत्कृष्ट लेख, मेरे दोस्त। यहां सोचने के लिए बहुत कुछ है।

Вы на что-то здесь. Это точно.

Netter Post. Danke, dass Sie mit uns geteilt haben.

Aceste postări pe blog au fost incredibile.


Действительно хорошо написанная статья. Спасибо за публикацию.

No tengo nada que decir sobre la escritura de otras personas.
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