Three Things Your Boss Never Noticed About International Strategy Integrations
Businesses generally either dwell on their competitors’ activities or ignore them on the grounds that they are unable to exert any direct control. The amount of attention that needs to be paid to competitors varies according to the nature of the industry and market, and usually lies between these two extremes. Decision-makers may be guided by an overall vision and specific objectives, but competitive pressures can also be decisive in determining their decisions.
Strategy is about asking the right questions. In Freedman and Tregoe’s first phase, you have to first know which questions to ask, and then go and find the data that will help you answer the questions. There is more data available than ever before. The trick today is to know what data to use and what to ignore.
An organization’s greatest challenge may not be external threats or opportunities, but instead the effects of entropy and inertia. In such a situation, organizational renewal becomes a priority. Transforming a complex organization is an intensely strategic challenge. Leaders must diagnose the causes and effects of entropy and inertia, create a sensible guiding policy for effecting change, and design a set of coherent actions designed to alter routines, culture, and the structure of power and influence.
Most widely used planning processes like management by objectives and balanced scorecards overlook the contrast piece of the compare-and-contrast equation. They do a fine job of requiring leaders to spell out what the strategic objectives are, but they rarely require leaders to get clear about what they are not. As a result, most leaders score a C- in strategy comprehension.
Promote Discussion, Debate And Alignment In Your Business
Business tactics that attempt to boost a firm’s profits purely by eliminating competitors may result in your company being sued by one or more antitrust authorities. Antitrust laws are often complex and differ not only across countries but among states or provinces within a given country. A business tactic may be legal at the national level but illegal according to the antitrust laws of a particular state or in a different country.
By staying true to your strengths, you can concentrate on differentiating your enterprise in ways that naturally outpace your competitors. If a business segment slows down, you don’t chase every opportunity that appears; instead, you look for areas of growth where you will have the right to win, based on the capabilities you have now or those you can develop.
Cost leadership business strategies focus on beating competitors’ prices. For example, businesses such as Amazon look for ways to increase efficiencies or reduce production costs so that their prices are lower than their competitors’ prices. They often rely on economies of scale.
Some successful companies fall into the trap of coasting on their past success. But the companies we’ve studied generally work hard to avoid complacency. They explicitly try to anticipate how their capabilities will need to evolve. They make the necessary investments early enough that they will be out in front of changes in the world around them. They build privileged relationships with their key customers, creating demand instead of just following it, launching products and services that define and fill unarticulated customer needs.
Reducing Business Risks
Does your industry compete on functionality or emotional appeal? If you compete on emotional appeal, what elements can you strip out to make it functional? If you compete on functionality, what elements can be added to make it emotional?
When every step is planned, every resource is allocated, and everyone knows what is to be done, business activities become more efficient and effective automatically.
Strategic creativity can be unlocked systematically. The field of strategy was predominantly focused on how to compete in established markets, creating an arsenal of analytic tools and frameworks to skillfully achieve this.
Growth is difficult to manage and it depends on having the necessary cash. Because of the lag between the time investments are made and when they start repaying, it is crucial to maintain the support of financial backers, keeping them informed.
Understand The Market
Because buyer value comes from the utility and price that the company offers to buyers and because the value to the company is generated from price and its cost structure, value innovation is achieved only when the system of the company’s utility, price, and cost activities is properly aligned.
There has been a lot of ink spilled on the inner logic of competitive strategy and on the mechanics of advantage. But the essential difficulty in creating strategy is not logical; it is choice itself. Strategy does not eliminate scarcity and its consequence — the necessity of choice.
Mission is an essential part of all business strategy. For you to achieve business success, you will have to overcome tremendous competitive resistance as well. To achieve the market success you desire, clarity is essential. You must be clear about your values, your vision, your mission, and your purpose.
Good strategy grows out of an independent and careful assessment of the situation, harnessing individual insight to carefully crafted purpose. Bad strategy follows the crowd, substituting popular slogans for insights.
Sources Of Innovation
The most common organizational solution is the cross-functional team: a committee of people drawn from the relevant departments to solve particular problems. Unfortunately, many cross-functional teams fall far short of delivering effective and efficient solutions. They rarely have the time they need to resolve their different ways of thinking. They are also limited by their conflicting functional priorities and sometimes by a lack of clear accountability.
You may have several value propositions at the moment, each based on a different product or service group. They may not be sharply defined enough to help you differentiate your company and lead your industry. The capabilities of your company may be pretty good, but they may not be embedded cross-functionally in the way they need to be.
The first step toward effective strategy is diagnosing the specific structure of the challenge rather than simply naming performance goals. The second step is choosing an overall guiding policy for dealing with the situation that builds on or creates some type of leverage or advantage. The third step is the design of a configuration of actions and resource allocations that implement the chosen guiding policy.
In today’s fast-paced world, strategy as learning must go hand in hand with execution as learning — bypassing the idea that either a strategy or the execution is flawed — to recognize that both are necessarily flawed and both are valuable sources of learning, improvement, and reinvention for sustained value creation.
Reach Beyond Existing Demand
One of the most exciting areas of business thought today revolves around business model innovation. Many companies are still trying to survive and thrive using a business model that may have been appropriate a few years ago but that no longer works. What is your business model today, and is it the appropriate model for your business in the current environment?
Planning and preparing a business strategy requires strong skills in strategic planning and business analysis, as well as a good understanding of functions like marketing, sales, and distribution.
Choosing and developing an identity requires a great deal of reflection, for the same reason that choosing a career does for an individual. Your choice is limited by the capabilities you have, or can reasonably build or buy.
Only by grounding strategy in sustained profitability will real economic value be generated. Economic value is created when customers are willing to pay a price for a product or service that exceeds the cost of producing it. When goals are defined in terms of volume or market share leadership, with profits assumed to follow, poor strategies often result.
Recognize What You Want From Your Stakeholders
The visionary considers the environment not as a given but as something that can be molded to advantage. Even so, the visionary style has more in common with a classical than with an adaptive approach. Because the goal is clear, strategists can take deliberate steps to reach it without having to keep many options open. It’s more important for them to take the time and care they need to marshal resources, plan thoroughly, and implement correctly so that the vision doesn’t fall victim to poor execution.
Small investments of time can result in new insights about your organization’s readiness, and your leaders’ acumen, that would have gone unnoticed until a crisis.
What’s a key difference between low-growth and high-growth companies? The former spend most of their time fighting for market share on one playing field, which naturally restricts their growth potential. And because most aggressive battles take place in industries that are slowing down, gains in market share come at a high cost, often eroding profits and competitive advantage as offerings become commoditized.
Although many executives recognize the importance of adaptive capabilities, it can be highly countercultural to implement them. Classical strategies aimed at achieving economies of scale and scope often create company cultures that prize efficiency and the elimination of variation. These can of course undermine the opportunity to experiment and learn, which is essential for an adaptive strategy. And failure is a natural outcome of experimentation, so adaptive and shaping strategies fare poorly in cultures that punish it.
The Need For Business Strategy
Armed only with the risks of changing, it’s natural to shy away from decisive action. But failing to assess the risk of the status quo does not mean the risks won’t materialize—it just means you won’t be adequately prepared when they do.
The concept of positioning relates to how a product is perceived by customers relative to its competitors. It originated in the advertising industry as a way of identifying those attributes of a product that should be placed in the buyer’s consciousness. For example, a product may be positioned as inexpensive, innovative, old fashioned, prestigious, high quality or any of a multitude of other attributes. Positioning influences attitudes to and perceptions of a product or company brand, rather than changing the product itself. The value of positioning decisions is that they increase awareness of a company’s or product’s capabilities.
An international strategy is often the first strategy companies use when they expand to secondary markets, and that’s because it’s the most accessible of the four. It’s essentially an extension of your domestic strategy, operating with a central or head office in your home market and exporting your products to target markets.
Companies become coherent by making choices about who they are. They define and develop a value proposition that distinguishes them from other companies, and identify the few capabilities that will enable them to deliver on this way to play more effectively than anyone else. They build and expand their portfolio of products and services, always in line with their distinctive capabilities.
From Company And Industry To Strategic Move
If you do not properly understand a problem, you are unlikely to find the best solution to it, especially when circumstances are complex or fast-moving. There may be no satisfactory answer, only a choice between competing alternatives that are far from ideal.
Many executives focus their attention on creating purpose and mission statements. They are trying to define where the company should go, in a way that everyone can support and that will lead to profitability and growth. But these statements tend to ring hollow because they reflect the incoherence of the company that makes them. To encompass all of its disparate activity, the statements have to be generic and vague.
Each key stakeholder group is taken in turn to work out what an organization wants from it (an objective) and what the key stakeholder wants from it (strategic factors)—for example, customers want effective performance on factors such as price and customer service. The strategic planning team must then decide on the organization’s position on these factors (strategy). This will be conditioned, of course, by customer research. Having done this, key stakeholder by key stakeholder, the next step is to ensure congruence—a fit between employee relations and customer relations, customer relations and supplier relations, and so on—in system design.
the developments behind globalisation, notably in technol-
Benefits On The Soft Side
In an uncertain and fast-changing world, leaders must provide stability, certainty and a sound foundation. They must set out and communicate a consistent set of values and principles to make the process of change sustainable. In short, leaders must ground themselves in the certainty of a specific perspective, before leading people into a shifting, uncertain world of possibilities.
Decisions often involve compromise, and as long as the essential goals will still be achieved there is nothing wrong with this. Sometimes the ideal solution is unattainable, but it is better to have 50% of something than 100% of nothing.
An effective business strategy increases your return on equity. It is to earn more money on the equity, or the amount of money that you have invested in your business. Equity represents ownership. It is different from return on investment (ROI) in that it represents out-of-pocket funds. The first goal of strategy, then, is to increase the amount of money you are earning on the resources that you and others have personally invested in the enterprise.
Disruptive growth is responding to dramatic change with new business models and new capabilities. You must be sure that you have a genuine right to win in this new venture, and that the circumstances warrant the significant investment involved. True disruption — the kind that merits disruptive growth — is rarer than many business people think.

Inspiroit minua aloittamaan tämän uuden luvun elämässäni. En olisi voinut tehdä sitä ilman sinua.

Hvala. Tražio sam neke dobre blog stranice za učenje.

Postările dvs. de blog sunt o magie unică portabilă.

Suurepärane ja väga põnev sait. Armastan vaadata. Jätkake kiikumist.

Vertelde me vrienden om naar deze inhoud te kijken, het was zo inspirerend.

Å skrive kan ikke fullt ut representere kaoset og uroen som er en del av den menneskelige personligheten, men du må legge noe av uroen inn i skrivingen, ellers er den ikke ekte.

Ymmärrän, että protestikirjoittaminen ei ole aivan muodissa, mutta olet tehnyt monia tämän kaltaisia artikkeleita ennenkin. Melko tarpeetonta, mutta hauskaa.

Stor indsats.


Bardzo informujące. Dzięki za ten wspaniały artykuł.


나에게 이 주제는 우리의 고통을 표면으로 가져와 겸손하고 부드러운 부분으로 되돌리는 수단입니다.

Uspiješ dati toliko energije statičnim informacijama da nakon putovanja kod tebe nisam siguran da nije sve u trenu.

Całkowicie zaskoczyło mnie więcej artykułów, proszę.

Този блог има силата да трансформира, да осветява, да образова, вдъхновява и мотивира.

Pat ja man būs jāstāv vienam, es nebaidīšos stāvēt vienatnē. Es cīnīšos par tevi. Es cīnīšos par to, kas ir pareizi. Es cīnīšos, lai sauktu cilvēkus pie atbildības.

Acest conținut a fost surprinzător.

Pentru mine, acest subiect este un vehicul care ne aduce durerea la suprafață, aducând-o înapoi în acel loc umil și tandru.

ब्लॉग वास्तव में जानकारीपूर्ण है - पोस्ट करते रहें।


Il blog era fuori dal mondo.

Volim stvari koje su nekako eklektične, kada jedna stvar ne ide uz drugu. Zato volim tvoj blog.

Tôi sẽ không ở đâu nếu không có bạn.

Obsah byl mimo tento svět.

Tu zahvalnost možete pokazati na velike i male načine. Često su male stvari one koje se zaista računaju i koje će doprinijeti stabilnom, ljubavnom i obostrano korisnom odnosu.

Bu içerikte süper yıldız yazıyor.

Fején találtad a szöget. Kérlek küldj még többet, hogy jöjjek- Köszönöm

Mi-a plăcut atât de mult să citesc acest blog.

Ich glaube, meine Leidenschaft wird manchmal als Wut missverstanden. Und ich glaube nicht, dass die Leute bereit sind für die Botschaft, die ich überbringe, und zwar mit einem Gefühl gewalttätiger Liebe.

Tôi không thể đồng ý với bạn nhiều hơn. Tôi nghĩ rằng bạn đã hoàn thành một công việc quan trọng nhất trong quá trình ban đầu.

고양이는 저녁에 내가 가장 좋아하는 의자에 앉아 내 옆으로 기어오더니 웅얼웅얼 웅얼거렸다. 부드럽고 따뜻한 털과 윙윙거리는 윙윙거리는 소리의 조합은 항상 평화를 가져다줍니다.

Ceci est très instructif et intéressant pour ceux qui s'intéressent au domaine des blogs.

Selleks ajaks, kui ma blogist kirjutan, olen juba otsustanud, et see on hea.

No quiero ser interesante. Quiero ser bueno.

You have got to read this article.

Site-ul dvs. este foarte frumos și informații grozave.

Văn học chân chính được đặc trưng bởi một sự thôi thúc không thể cưỡng lại trong người nghệ sĩ sáng tạo. Bạn có sự thôi thúc đó.

Ihre Informationen sind sehr interessant. Vielen Dank, dass Sie es mit uns teilen.

Bez vas, koji imate puno više vremena za čitanje od mene, bio bih beznadno iza krivulje.

Blogunuzu çok beğendim. Banner harika yapılmış ve içerik ilginç. En iyi dileklerimle.

Minha opinião pessoal é que este tópico é um bem absoluto e não simplesmente um bem relativo.

Es geht darum, Augen und Ohren offen zu halten und zu beobachten, wie andere das Spiel spielen.

Konten ini sangat luar biasa.

Nici măcar nu poți mesteca gumă și mergi în linie dreaptă, darămite să scrii un articol.

Não há preconceito que assuntos como esses não sejam finalmente superados.

Es en este poder de decirlo todo, y sin embargo no decir nada demasiado claramente, en lo que consiste la perfección de la escritura.

이 주제에 대한 제한이 없다는 것은 영감을 줍니다. 감사!

Fii fidel cu tine însuți, ajută-i pe ceilalți, fă din fiecare zi capodopera ta, fă din prietenie o artă frumoasă, bea profund din cărți bune.

Ako netko zaslužuje zahvalu, to ste vi. Zahvalan sam na pomoći.

हमेशा मेरे लिए वहां रहने के लिए धन्यवाद।

Teie huumorimeel on värskendav ajal, mil naeratusi on hädasti vaja.

Tu escritura inspira a las personas a usar sus propios recursos para avanzar hacia el futuro.

Oppsummeringer som disse er nyttige siden de snakker om det samme på samme måte, og dermed er muligheten for å lage en sammenhengende oppsummering høyere.

Да се опитваш да опишеш работата си е като да танцуваш на спагети, наистина е трудно.


Ein gut geschriebener Artikel. Meine Dankbarkeit kennt keine Grenzen.

Dette emne er kun et lærred for vores fantasi.

훌륭한 정보를 공유해주셔서 감사합니다. 귀하의 웹사이트는 매우 멋집니다.

यह पोस्ट बेहद दिलचस्प थी, खासकर क्योंकि मैं पिछले हफ्ते इस विषय पर विचारों की तलाश में था।

Co za niesamowity post, po prostu przeczytałem go od początku do końca.


Geweldige inhoud, ik zal iedereen vertellen om een kijkje te nemen.

Menulis itu mudah ketika Anda tidak tahu caranya, tetapi sangat sulit ketika Anda melakukannya.

Ci devono essere molte cose che vorrebbero sapere e non avere il tempo di studiare mentre erano così impegnati a scalare la scala aziendale.

웹로그에 대해 글을 쓸 때쯤이면 이미 웹로그의 장점을 결정했습니다.

Jos sinua ei huomata, sinulla ei ole mitään. Sinun täytyy vain tulla huomatuksi ja pärjäät hyvin tämän blogin kanssa.


Najljepše što možemo doživjeti je tajanstveno. To je izvor sve istinske umjetnosti i znanosti.

Jeg er redd for at hvis du ser på en ting lenge nok, mister den all sin mening.

Этот пост очень полезен. Спасибо за эту полезную информацию.

Mare articol. Mulțumesc pentru distribuire.

Acest lucru merită absolut citit împreună cu toate comentariile de sub povestea originală.


Vaš blog počinje imitacijom, a završava inovacijom. Dobro napravljeno.

นี่มันช่างพูดจามีระดับ เฉลียวฉลาด หลากหลาย ว่าฉันรักคุณ

Vậy tôi có thể nói gì. Thật là xấu hổ khi bạn cảm thấy như vậy. Đó là quyền của bạn để làm như vậy.

Seriøs skriving i dette innholdet.

Jy is in wese 'n digitale gadfly - een van die grotes. Om verskillende hoeke van die web op een plek bymekaar te hou, word so min wat die moeite werd is, veral polities, oor die hoof gesien.

Toto téma je horké!

Bài viết hay, thích đọc.

Ik lees altijd liever kwaliteitsinhoud en dit is wat ik in je bericht heb gevonden.

To naprawdę fascynujące, jesteś zbyt wykwalifikowanym blogerem.

Jag tror att det är din mentala inställning som gör den här bloggen så bra.

โพสต์ของคุณสั้นมากสำหรับผู้เชี่ยวชาญ บางทีโปรดขยายพวกเขาอีกเล็กน้อยในอนาคต?


Dina blogginlägg är intelligenta, roliga, seriösa, omfattande och viktiga. Det här senaste inlägget fångade mig verkligen.

Pot descrie un scenariu în care ai face orice pentru a avea din nou acest sentiment.

Ich liebe das Internet wirklich. Sie sagen, dass Chatrooms der Wohnwagenpark des Internets sind, aber ich finde es erstaunlich.

บางคนสามารถบุกรุกพื้นที่ของคุณได้จริงๆ และไม่เคยปล่อยให้คุณอยู่ตามลำพัง

Epäilen, että sinä, kuten minä, et ole kovin hyvä pitämään suutasi näitä aiheita koskevissa juhlissa, etkä varmasti ole ujo verkossa.

Suuri yritys.

Всичко има красота, но не всеки я вижда. Виждам го в тази статия.


Frei ist nur das Ding, das aus den Notwendigkeiten seiner eigenen Natur besteht und in seinen Handlungen allein durch sich selbst bestimmt ist.

O que as pessoas querem, acima de tudo, é ordem.

Viết là một khoa học phát sinh từ nhiều khoa học khác, và được tô điểm bởi tình yêu.


Não preciso que ninguém me diga como fazer. Eu não estou interessado. Você age como quer e me deixa em paz para fazer minhas próprias coisas.

Αυτό το περιεχόμενο είναι καυτό!

Die Ästhetik dieses Themas muss in einer umfassenderen Vorstellung von menschlichen Aktivitäten wie Gehen, Entspannen und Kommunizieren verwurzelt sein.
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